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Iowa Malpractice Insurance

The Iowa malpractice insurance landscape is a good one for physicians. Premiums are among the lowest in the country, and the only difference in price is between the different medical malpractice insurance companies.

Our 2023 Physician Buyers Guide for purchasing malpractice insurance in Iowa gives you the information necessary to obtain the strongest, most financially secure policy at the best price. When shopping for coverage, you need a full view of the Iowa marketplace to find the company that best fits your situation. Choose a broker that can offer multiple quotes from all the major malpractice insurance companies in Iowa.

How to buy malpractice insurance in Iowa.

The best way to buy malpractice coverage is to work with a reputable malpractice insurance broker in Iowa who can generate multiple quotes. Your broker will walk you through the lengthy insurance application and underwriting process. Click to get medical malpractice insurance quotes from every major Iowa malpractice insurance company.

Typically, the malpractice insurance purchasing process goes like this:

  1. Submit your information for your free medical malpractice insurance quote from every major insurance company in Iowa.
  2. One of our veteran malpractice insurance agents who specializes in the Iowa market will contact you to learn more about your specific needs.
  3. We shop your coverage to every major insurance company in Iowa.
  4. We present you with a number of insurance quotes and give you the information necessary to make an educated and informed decision. Don’t worry. We’re here every step of the way, helping you get the best price with the best company.

At renewal time, we restart the process of shopping your coverage among every major carrier to keep your policy properly priced.

How to save money on your malpractice insurance.

  • The easiest way to save money on your medical malpractice insurance policy is by working with a broker who has the access to generate quotes from every major insurance company, offering an accurate view of the marketplace. As one of the top brokers in Iowa, we can guide you through the application and underwriting process so you’re confident you secured the best price with the right insurer for your situation.
  • The most common limits in Iowa are $1 million/$3 million. Limits of liability play a major role in determining the overall cost of your policy. Some companies will offer lower limits to save you money. We don’t recommend this. We want your risks fully indemnified so you never have to pay an award out of pocket. Let us save you money by shopping your coverage rather than skimp on protection..
  • Check out our 7 secrets your medical malpractice insurance agent won’t tell you page to get insider information on buying coverage in Iowa.

How much does medical malpractice insurance cost in Iowa?

Rates for physician malpractice insurance don’t vary much depending on where you practice within the state. Most major insurance companies classify Iowa as a single territory, which means your specialty’s base rate does not vary depending on your practice address. But you still want multiple quotes to get an accurate view of the marketplace. This is one of the many reasons it’s important to work with an insurance agency that specializes in medical malpractice insurance. Below are mature, base rates with no credits or discounts. We typically get our clients a 30-50% reduction from these rates:


  • Internal Medicine Average Rate $4,659
  • General Surgeon Average Rate $14,390
  • OB/gyn – Average Rate $22,092
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Medical malpractice requirements in Iowa.

Limits of Liability: The most common limits of liability in Iowa are $1 million per claim with an annual aggregate cap of $3 million.

Most hospitals require a physician carry malpractice insurance prior to granting admitting privileges. Some of the hospital systems requiring this include, but are not limited to, MercyOne Des Moines, University of Iowa Hospitals in Iowa City, and Mercy Medical Center in Cedar Rapids.

Find Coverage for your Practice

  • Individual Physicians

    Find peace of mind for your practice. Allow us to locate suitable malpractice coverage from top providers, offering multiple quotes for your convenience.

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  • Tail Coverage

    Secure your future with Tail Insurance. Protect yourself from past claims with extended liability coverage—multiple quotes to match your needs.

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Client Testimonials

Below is what a few clients have to say about our prices and service. We know that cost and trust are the two most important factors when shopping for your medical malpractice insurance. We pride ourselves at being the best at both!

Thank you so much for completing this in an amazingly timely and efficient manner. You and your team have done an amazing job in both obtaining the best coverage for the lowest price from an A+ rated company as well as shortening the turnaround time to almost nil. I cannot thank you enough.

Plastic Surgeon in Iowa

Best Medical malpractice insurance companies in Iowa.

  1. Medical Protective
  2. The Doctors Company
  3. Coverys
  5. PSIC
  6. ISMIE

Why partner with Cunningham Group?

Partnering with Cunningham Group will give you a full view of the Iowa marketplace.. Our veteran insurance agents average 10+ years of industry experience. Let us help you secure medical malpractice insurance quotes from every major insurance company in Iowa.

Historic Medical Malpractice Insurance Rates in Iowa for Physicians.

Brief History and other important facts of medical malpractice insurance in Iowa.

The Iowa malpractice landscape is a good one for physicians. Premiums are among the lowest in the country, and, when physicians are sued, Iowa juries have shown an unwillingness to dole out large ‘jackpot justice’ verdicts. Iowa ranked 23rd overall on the Institute for Legal Reform’s 2019 report, Ranking the States: A Survey of the Fairness and Reasonableness of State Liability Systems. The Institute for Legal Reform is an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and regularly publishes an updated ranking of state tort systems. Iowa’s ranking increased from tenth in 2012 to fourth in 2015 and then dropped to 23rd in the latest report.

Tort Reform in Iowa

Iowa’s positive medical liability climate is not due to tort reform is expected to get even better after Gov. Terry Branstad signed Senate File 465 into law in 2017. The new law caps non-economic damages in medical liability lawsuits at $250,000 and requires a certificate of merit for medical malpractice lawsuits to proceed. Iowa had previously reformed to joint and several liability, with defendants who are less than 50% liable being responsible only for their portion, and the state also requires collateral sources to be considered when making awards.

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