CRNA Malpractice Insurance
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are in-demand, advanced practice nurses who work across a wide variety of healthcare settings, often with a large amount of autonomy.Because there are so many CRNA malpractice insurance options available, it is important that we learn about what makes your practice situation unique. Once we have an understanding of your situation, we will find a policy that meets your specific needs and the requirements of the state you practice in. To do this, we will shop your coverage efficiently to every major insurance carrier in your state, ensuring that you pay the absolute lowest price for your liability insurance. Also, don’t forget to ask your insurance agent if you might qualify for any discounts!
Cunningham Group has helped thousands of CRNAs secure malpractice insurance coverage, and now it’s your turn to save.
Request your medical malpractice insurance quote now.
More about CRNAs
Nurse anesthetists have a long and colorful history. According to the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), nurse anesthetists were the first healthcare providers dedicated to the specialty of anesthesia. As far back as the 1800s, nurses gave anesthesia to wounded soldiers on Civil War battlefields.
Today, CRNAs, according to the AANA, administer more than 34 million anesthetics in the United States each year and practice in many settings. Some of these settings include: hospital surgical suites, ERs and EDs, delivery rooms and ambulatory surgical centers as well as dentist, podiatrist and ophthalmologist offices, plastic surgery centers, with pain management specialists, in the U.S. military and VA facilities as well as in Public Health capacities. In rural areas of the U.S., CRNAs are often the primary providers of anesthesia.
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