Some New Georgia Med Mal Reform Ideas

Stressed Out Physician We here at like to hear new ideas regarding tort reform –or new ideas of any kind regarding med mal reform. Although Georgia isn’t one of the worst states in terms of med mal rates, and rates have been relatively stable, we always see room for improvement. We just read an article detailing a plan for Georgia med mal reform that could have a nice effect on Georgia med mal rates.

So, as you may know, almost two years ago, Georgia med mal reform suffered a serious blow. Their $350,000 cap on noneconomic damages was thrown out and there has been little talk of anything since to replace it. The author of this article suggests doing away with the current legal system entirely and replacing it with an administrative law system, similar to a workers’ compensation system. We’ve heard this idea before and there’s a lot to like about it. It would reduce massive payouts, speed the process, and be a much more predictable process. And, maybe, just maybe, Georgia med mal rates could drop.

The man behind this Georgia medical malpractice reform plan is Richard L. Jackson, who has an advocacy group called Patients for Fair Compensation –although he is not a patient but a health care executive. And, he says his initiative is primarily based on feedback he has heard from physicians regarding their rampant practice of defensive medicine. Jackson believes that a plan of this kind could significantly work to reduce the practice of defensive medicine, in addition to all of the above-mentioned positives. And, Jackson is not only working to pass this legislation in Georgia, he’s also working to pass similar legislation in Florida. We’ll keep you posted.

If you would like to review Georgia med mal rates for the last 10 years, or get a free quote for your medical malpractice insurance, contact us today.

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