Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Malpractice Insurance 101: Reputation Protection
In the healthcare industry reputation is important and malpractice insurance plays a critical role in retaining trustful relationships with clients. Malpractice insurance safeguards physicians against financial losses and legal repercussions from claims of negligence or medical errors. Reputation protection acts as a safety net and can protect not only a physician’s finances but also their […]

Medical Malpractice Lawsuit: What You Need to Know
Healthcare providers must understand the complexities of a medical malpractice lawsuit. Addressing these legal challenges protects your practice and reinforces your commitment to patient safety and professional integrity. This guide offers essential insights into the key aspects of malpractice lawsuits, assisting you in protecting your practice and maintaining patient trust. What Is a Medical Malpractice […]

The Cost of Malpractice Insurance: What Influences Premiums and How to Save
Your medical malpractice insurance premium is primarily determined by the statistical risk of a healthcare provider practicing in the same specialty and geographic area facing a medical negligence claim, as well as the expected cost of defending such a claim. Factors That Influence Malpractice Insurance Premiums Specialties like obstetrics and orthopedic surgery are considered high-risk […]

International Malpractice Insurance: Why U.S. Doctors Need It?
With the rise of medical tourism, telemedicine, and global healthcare services, international malpractice insurance is becoming increasingly essential for U.S. physicians. Doctors who treat medical tourists, travel abroad for humanitarian work, or provide telemedicine services to foreign patients must ensure they have adequate coverage to protect themselves from potential legal claims. How International Malpractice Insurance […]

ATRF Judicial Hellhole Annual Report: Medical Liability Discussed
The American Tort Reform Foundation (ATRF) issued its 2021/2022 Judicial Hellholes report in December last year. The annual release documents abuses of the civil justice system in jurisdictions the pro-tort reform group says are among the most unfair and out-of-balance in the nation. The ATRF is a branch of the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA), […]

RAC Audits: What Is It and How to Protect Your Practice?
If you’re not concerned about the possibility of your practice being RAC audited, you should be. And if you don’t currently carry Medical Billing Errors & Omissions Liability Insurance, now is the time to consider it. Below, you will see what RAC audits are and how to protect your practice with the right insurance. What […]

5 Common Liability Coverage Discounts for Physicians
Medical liability insurance can be a significant expense for physicians, but you don’t have to pay more than necessary. Physicians can reduce malpractice insurance premiums by taking advantage of available medical liability insurance discounts. There are five common discounts that can help lower your medical malpractice coverage costs. Explore Medical Malpractice Insurance Coverage with Cunningham […]

How Louisiana’s COVID Immunity Ruling Impacts Healthcare Providers and Medical Liability Cases
The Louisiana Court of Appeals decision that COVID-19 immunity cannot be considered during medical review panel proceedings has significant implications for healthcare providers. This ruling increases liability exposure during the panel process and highlights the importance of strong medical malpractice insurance. As providers face heightened risks in navigating medical liability cases, comprehensive malpractice coverage becomes […]

North Carolina Supreme Court Removes Precedent Shielding Nurses from Medical Liability Claims
The North Carolina Supreme Court recently overturned a 90-year-old precedent that shielded nurses from medical liability when working under a physician’s supervision. In the Connette v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital Authority case, the court ruled that nurses, including CRNAs, are now liable for their actions in medical malpractice cases. This decision significantly impacts nurse liability and highlights […]

What is an A-Rated Insurance Company and Why Does It Matter for Physicians?
For medical professionals, choosing a malpractice insurance provider isn’t just about finding the right coverage—it’s also about choosing a reliable insurer. An “A-rated” insurance company, typically designated by independent rating agencies like AM Best or Demotech, represents a high level of financial stability and reliability. These ratings signal that the company has the financial resources […]
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