Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

26 Reasons You're Probably Paying Too Much for Your Med Mal Insurance
Here are 26 reasons you’re probably paying too much for your med mal insurance: 1. You went directly to an insurance company. You thought that going directly to an insurance company would be more efficient and save you money. The opposite is true. You limited your options and didn’t shop the market. More than likely, […]

NFL: The Season's Over, But What About the Concussions?
A recent article on MedPage Today detailed new actions that the NFL is taking to better protect football players from concussions and brain injuries. So, what’s new? 1. Concussed players are being kept off of the field for longer periods of time. In the past, it was common for players to be sent back into […]

Overcoming Electronic Health Records Frustration
Electronic health records are frustrating already overwhelmed healthcare professionals nationwide. EHRs are expensive and time consuming; often decrease efficiency and, in many cases, are counterintuitive in their function. They also open a completely new, 21st Century set of patient safety and privacy risks. A recent survey conducted by the American College of Physicians shows that […]

Hacking Health: An Organization You Should Know
Have you ever wanted to change the health care system, but felt overwhelmed or like you couldn’t make a difference? Or, have you had an idea for a health care product or solution, but simply didn’t have the time or IT “connections” to bring it to life? If so, Hacking Health might be what you’ve […]

Doctor, How Healthy Are YOU?
Doctor, let’s not talk about me, let’s talk about you. How much exercise do you get? How well do you manage your stress? Do you eat well? The recent Medscape Physician Lifestyle Report 2014 gives some interesting insights into how well physicians do (or do not) take care of themselves. Here are the highlights: -The […]

Have You Had the Conversation?
A lot of things are easier said than done. Talking about end-of-life decision-making is one of them. But, physicians, more than anyone, know that these discussions are incredibly important and easier to be had before an actual illness and way easier to be had before a time of crisis –when such a discussion may no […]

Work-Life Balance: Combating Burn-out
With the new year upon us, many of us are thinking about New Year’s resolutions and changes we’d like to make for the upcoming year. One thing that many of us would like to achieve is a work-life balance and part of that involves overcoming burn-out. So much easier said than done, I know. So, […]

Medscape Asks – Malpractice in America: Is Anything Getting Better?
I was quoted — along with PIAA president/CEO Brian Atchinson and The Doctors Company CEO Richard Anderson, MD — in a new Medscape article, titled “Malpractice in America: Is Anything Getting Better?” The article, written by Anne Finger, details the current state of medical liability in depth. It’s well worth the read (click this link […]

Physicians: 4 Things You Need to Know About Moonlighting
Are you a physician looking for a moonlighting gig? (To us, moonlighting is taking on a second, part-time position in addition to your full-time position.) If so, here’s what you need to know before embarking on your search: 1. You should first make sure that your current, full-time employment contract doesn’t prohibit you from taking […]
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