Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Survey: Michigan may face a physician shortage in 10 years
By Jay Greene Another survey indicates Michigan may face a physician shortage over the next 10 years, according to the state Department of Community Health in Lansing. Of the state’s 41,785 licensed physicians, up to 10,000 said they may retire over the next 10 years. The data was prepared by Public Sector Consultants Inc. […]

Doctors’ med-mal payments double for state program
By Alex Roarty Doctors across Cumberland County and the rest of the state mailed their payment into MCare last week, the statewide fund that helps them pay for malpractice lawsuits. It was more expensive than usual. House Democrats are backing a plan from Gov. Ed Rendell to end a subsidy program, known as the […]

PLICO overcomes $143 million deficit
by Marie Price The Journal Record OKLAHOMA CITY – In 2003, if an Oklahoma medical doctor needed malpractice insurance, the Physicians Liability Insurance Co., founded by the Oklahoma State Medical Association, was pretty much the only game in town – and it was in trouble. At the time, PLICO insured between 80 percent and 85 […]

Physician Opinion Tips in Favor of National Health Insurance
By Charles Bankhead INDIANAPOLIS, March 31 — A majority of U.S. physicians support national health insurance, according to findings from a nationwide survey. Almost 60% of 2,200 physicians surveyed said they favor government legislation to establish a national health insurance plan, Aaron Carroll, M.D., and Ronald Ackerman, M.D., of Indiana University, said in a […]

Family doc values relationships
By Nancy Kimball Dr. Ron Miller named Montana physician of the year During 36 years behind a stethoscope in the same small town, a family doctor has a pretty good chance of witnessing the parade of generations. Dr. Ron Miller has been in the front lines for many Whitefish families — and counts that […]

AMA News in brief – April 7, 2008 CMS seeks doctors’ opinions on Medicare carriers Physicians and health care facilities have until April 18 to respond to the Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services uses the questionnaire to evaluate contractor performance. Medicare carriers will be required to meet performance targets by 2009. The survey focuses on […]

New loan rate for Pennsylvania doctors who require med-mal insurance
Pittsburgh Business Times The Pennsylvania Medical Society has created a special-rate loan for Pennsylvania Medical Society members to help ease the financial hardships some physicians face in paying for malpractice insurance, the group said Tuesday. Doctors are required to carry malpractice insurance and the state has helped pay part of the premiums for years. […]

MSPAlliance Announces First Comprehensive Professional Liability Insurance Program for Managed Service Providers Low-cost professional liability insurance offers advanced protection for MSPs; available exclusively to MSPAlliance members. Chico, CA (PRWEB) April 2, 2008 — MSPAlliance, the International Association of Managed Service Providers, today announced the launch of a new professional liability insurance for Managed Service Providers (MSPs). This insurance program will be underwritten by Lloyd’s of London […]

Hundreds of AMA medical students and residents lobby Congress on medical student debt, uninsured and Medicare
American Medical Association WASHINGTON– Nearly 300 medical student, resident and fellow members of the American Medical Association (AMA) from across the nation are storming Capitol Hill today urging Congress to protect access to care for America’s patients. Throughout the day, the students, residents and fellows will visit House and Senate offices asking Congress to […]
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