Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

VisualDx Collaborates with American Academy of Family Physicians Logical Images, Inc., is pleased to announce a new project with the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) to offer special diagnostic software, VisualDx Family Medicine, to the AAFP’s more than 60,000 active members. The collaboration stems from the AAFP’s mission to promote high-quality, cost-effective health care for patients by delivering tools and resources […]

Physicians Get Help in Safe Medication Prescribing ATLANTA–(BUSINESS WIRE)–To help increase the accuracy and safety of medication prescribing for high-risk, complex patients, McKesson Provider Technologies has announced the rollout of its new Advanced Dosing functionality for Horizon Expert Ordersâ„¢, McKesson’s clinical decision support (CDS) and computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system. The new capability is now offered as part of McKesson’s […]

Rules aim for better patient safety through confidential error reports
By Dave Hansen, AMNews staff Washington — Federal regulators have proposed sweeping patient safety rules to give physicians and others a confidential, voluntary way to report medical errors and near mistakes. Several health care organizations applauded the release of the long-awaited regulations but want a closer look before making a final judgment. The rules, […]

Pennsylvania Health Secretary Tours the State to Discuss the Importance of Health Insurance for All Pennsylvanians
By Pennsylvania Department of Health Secretary of Health Dr. Calvin B. Johnson today kicked off a statewide tour to discuss Governor Edward G. Rendell’s plan to provide access to health insurance to hundreds of thousands of uninsured adults through his “Cover All Pennsylvanians” proposal.”Access to affordable insurance is critical — not only to prevent […]

Editorial: New York must fix malpractice insurance problem
Newsday Inc. Couldn’t see your doctor today? Your favorite physician may have been busy seeking treatment for a vexing problem of his or her own. Exasperated by the soaring cost of medical malpractice insurance, a large contingent of doctors was to converge on Albany today in search of relief. The condition needs attention. Stat. […]

Bill would raise cap on pain and suffering malpractice lawsuits
Andrew Villegas A bill that would increase how much patients who sue Colorado doctors for medical malpractice could receive for pain and suffering passed the state Senate on Monday morning. The bill would allow patients to sue doctors for up to $500,000 for pain and suffering. It passed despite calls from doctors and insurers […]

Opinion: Malpractice suits need limits
Lee Coleman A reasonable limit on medical malpractice lawsuits would go a long way to eliminate the rapid rise in health-care costs and related health-insurance costs. Pennsylvania is seeing many of its doctors leave the state because we have no limits on medical malpractice lawsuits, making malpractice insurance skyrocket. The only other alternative is […]

Local docs to lobby for malpractice insurance reform
By Jerry Gleeson About 100 Westchester County doctors are expected to make the rounds of the state Legislature today, lobbying against threatened increases in malpractice insurance that they say will drive physicians out of New York. Two buses were to leave the parking lot of the Medical Society of the County of Westchester in […]

Bill lifts damages cap for medical injuries
By Tim Hoover Injured patients would be able to sue doctors for more money under a bill that won initial Senate approval Thursday and which its sponsor called “negotiation by legislative gunpoint.” Senate president Peter Groff, D-Denver, said his bill is a reasonable measure that restores balance to Colorado’s medical malpractice laws. Under current […]
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