Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Simple Online Methods Increase Physician Disease Reporting With emerging diseases like the West Nile Virus, and re-emerging diseases such as the pandemic flu and drug-resistant tuberculosis, it’s increasingly important to promptly detect a potential infectious outbreak within a community. But public health officials can’t act quickly unless physicians report the diseases. “Quick reporting by several physicians, all acting independently, allows the […]

Practices with Nurse-Practitioners Outperform Practices with Physician Assistants in Diabetes Care Measures American Academy of Family Physicians Family medicine practices with nurse-practitioners (NPs) perform better at providing some types of diabetes care (primarily monitoring tests) than physician-only practices and especially better than practices using physician assistants (PAs). This cross-sectional study of 45 family medicine practices measured adherence to American Diabetes Association guidelines via chart audits of […]

2007 National Physician Survey: 9.8% of Physicians use full EMRs Instead of Paper Charts The Canadian 2007 National Physician Survey is now available. 26.1% of physicians use a combination of Electronic and Paper charts as their record keeping system. 9.8% of physicians use Electronic Charts instead of Paper Charts. This number indicates that we still have a long way to go in order to fully enable our physician […]

Proposed $1.1 billion Medi-Cal cut would hit poor, elderly hardest
Elizabeth Fernandez, Chronicle Staff Writer For 10 years, Sylvia Martir has lived with HIV. A few years ago she learned she had cancer. Then diabetes. Now she’s wondering how she’ll pay for critical medical care if the governor’s proposed budget cuts are implemented. Every week Martir, an Oakland resident who lives on $736 a […]

Listening to doctors and patients talk
A Fort Washington firm offers health-care clients a chance to hear what they say to one another. By Linda Loyd Inquirer Staff Writer When Zaccary Newsham-Quinn, 4, visits his pediatrician in Levittown, the doctor, Nathan Zankman, asks if he would be willing to have their conversation recorded for use in medical research. Zaccary’s mother, […]

Study: Maryland Doctor Shortage Worst in Specialist Fields, Rural Areas A new study of Maryland’s physician workforce shows that the state has a growing shortage of doctors in clinical practice, and concludes it could become dire for patients, especially those in need of medical specialists. Advertisement “It is a silent crisis that grows in intensity every day,” Maryland Hospital Association President Cal Pierson said. […]

A boost in pay and the doctor will stay
Our take: It doesn’t take much to understand that doctors want to go where they will be treated well. Part of this is the compensation to not only cover the specialization, but to also cover what it took to get that medical degree. MD Recruitment; Towns offering money, homes to lure physicians Tom Blackwell, National […]

Battling Over Payments
Patients Caught In Aetna-AMA Out-Of-Network Fight By DIANE LEVICK Courant Staff Writer Aetna and the American Medical Association are fighting about payments to doctors again, and patients across the nation are getting caught in between. The dispute centers on how much Aetna pays out-of-network doctors in some instances and the right of those doctors to […]

Should I sue my doctor?
By Elizabeth Cohen CNN ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) — When Christine had a hysterectomy in September, her doctor told her it would take about a week to recover from the laparoscopic procedure. Medical complications are not always the result of negligence. Nearly every procedure involves some risk. Four months — and three additional surgeries later […]
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