Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

AMA To Expand 'Voice for the Uninsured' Campaign Nationwide The American Medical Association on Tuesday announced the nationwide expansion of a campaign that seeks to focus the health care debate in the presidential election on the issue of the uninsured, The Hill reports. The multimillion-dollar “Voice for the Uninsured” campaign, which includes advertisements and outreach efforts, last year targeted early presidential caucus and […]

Physicians Gain New Tool To Better Manage Acute And Chronic Pain The Federation of State Medical Boards Research and Education Foundation (FSMB) is offering every physician a new handbook to help them better manage patients’ acute or chronic pain. Responsible Opioid Prescribing: A Physician’s Guide offers real-world explanations and practical strategies that address issues of undertreatment of pain, risk of prescription drug abuse and improved […]

HMC Study Shows Hospital Quality Problems Impact Overhead Costs SOURCE: The Healthcare Management Council, Inc. A recent study by The Healthcare Management Council, Inc. (HMC) discovered that poor hospital inpatient care has a multiplier effect on overhead costs. Using the proprietary HMC Cost Quality Matrixâ„¢ methodology, HMC routinely identifies the direct cost of quality related to patient safety and inpatient quality outcomes. New […]

Keystone Mutual Enters Mo. Medical Malpractice Market St. Louis, Mo.-based Keystone Mutual Insurance Co. recently announced that it is accepting applications from Missouri physicians for professional liability insurance upon being awarded a license Dec. 31 by the Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions & Professional Registration. “We’re open for business,” said James R. Bowlin, Keystone’s chairman and chief executive officer.

Maryland Has 16% Fewer Practicing Physicians Than National Average, Report Finds
Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report Maryland has 16% fewer physicians in clinical practice than the national per capita average, a shortage that could become severe by 2015, according to a report released on Monday by MedChi, the state’s medical society, and the Maryland Hospital Society, the Washington Post reports. For the report, presented last […]

Talks underway to bring more physicians to local hospital
MATTHEW MOLLOY The Coaster Central Health recruitment officers are currently engaged in talks with a couple of physicians about coming to work at the Connaigre Peninsula Health Care Centre in Harbour Breton. Although nothing has been written in stone, the vice-president of Rural Health with Central Health said they are closer now to bringing […]

Spitzer proposes loan relief to add doctors in underserved areas
By MICHAEL GORMLEY | Associated Press Writer Gov. Eliot Spitzer wants the state to pay off the student loans of physicians who agree to serve rural and urban areas without enough doctors, an administration official said Tuesday. Spitzer is also considering a $1 billion Upstate Revitalization Fund and other measures to renew downtowns and […]

Elkins native is president-elect of the American Medical Association
by Charlotte Ferrell Smith Daily Mail staff A West Virginian is taking over as president of the American Medical Association, marking the first time a Mountain State native will head up the prestigious organization. Elkins native is president-elect of the American Medical Association Elkins native Nancy J. Nielsen is president-elect of the American Medical […]

State lacks practicing physicians
40% of Md. doctors don’t treat patients, report says By M. William Salganik | Sun reporter Although the state has plenty of doctors, it doesn’t have enough who actually see patients — a situation that creates “a silent and growing crisis,” the head of the state medical society said Monday. The shortages are greatest […]
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