Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick nominated wife of major med-mal lawyer to oversee doctor discipline
Last September, Massachusetts Governor Patrick nominated Kathleen Meyer to fill a Board of Registration in Medicine position that oversees doctor discipline. This of course wouldn’t be an issue a majority of the time, but Kathleen is married to Andrew Meyer. Andrew is one of the state’s leading medical malpractice plaintiff attorneys, and this is seen by […]

Google's Project Glass and the Future of Medicine
There is no doubt that Google’s Project Glass will literally and figuratively change the way we view the world. In case you are unfamiliar with the concept, you can view this Project Glass video or read about Project Glass here. Today we’d like to take a moment and think about what “Google Glass(es)” (as it’s […]

SMART Act Streamlines CMS Repayment for Negligent Care
On Jan. 10, President Barack Obama signed into law the Strengthening Medicare And Repaying Taxpayers (SMART) Act, which is intended to help senior citizens and disabled persons obtain timely, clear and definitive information from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding Medicare payments made on their behalf that must be reimbursed, while at […]

CMS is having a NCS/EMG Code Processing Issue
We heard from one of our clients in California today that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) Part B Carriers and some private players are not processing 2013 CPT codes for NCS correctly. Carriers are reimbursing for the new NCS codes (95907-95913), but the new systems in place are not setup properly to recognize […]

Cigarettes by prescription-only? Would you prescribe if a patient asked you?
A bill in the Oregon State Legislature, proposed by Rep. Mitch Greenlick of Portland, would make cigarettes available by prescription only and classify them as a Schedule III controlled substance. This means that they would be illegal to possess or distribute cigarettes…….without a doctor’s prescription. We don’t think this has any chance of passing, but […]

New technology to treat folks with obesity problems
We can really appreciate when technology does things for us that we never thought possible. However, we do think there are times when technology can go a bit too far to deal with societal issues. Those times however are often the most entertaining to dive into, so that’s what we’re going to discuss in today’s […]

Protecting Patients From Medical Never Events
There are no absolutes in the practice of medicine. Diagnoses can be wrong for a number of reasons, complications can arise that couldn’t reasonably be foreseen, infections can set in—a number of variables can cause treatments or procedures to not render the desired results. Some situations are simply unavoidable; others should never occur. So physicians […]

Hulk Hogan files medical malpractice suit
The famous wrestler Hulk Hogan can now be added to the long list of folks who has filed a medical malpractice suit. Terry Bollea, Hulk Hogan’s real name, was having really bad lower back pain in 2009. He visited 3 Tampa Bay physicians to get a diagnosis……all three of them recommended major back surgery. The […]
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