Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Pet-food deaths: Are pets ‘family’ or ‘things’? Did you say “familyâ€?? Nope. Not to be too cynical about it, but for the most part, it often seems that pets are said to be “family “when someone’s trying to sell you something based on your love for the animal … and “thingsâ€? when something goes wrong, such as when a contaminated pet […]

Physhield and Sorry Works! Announce Partnership
The Insurance professionals only source for News Physicians Healthcare Management Group, Inc. (OTC: PHYH) and Chicago, IL-based Sorry Works!, the nation’s leading advocacy group for disclosure and apologies after adverse events and medical errors, is joining forces with Physhield, a new medical malpractice insurer for physicians, to work together to provide disclosure training to Physhield’s […]

Medicare Cuts Are Looming The American Medical Association is warning you it might soon be harder and harder to find a doctor if you are on Medicare. That’s because Medicare is planning to cut reimbursements to doctors by 10 percent, making it hard for doctors to make ends meet. Members of the American Medical Association held a news […]

Doctors praise fee-based systems
By Marcus Wohlsen, Associated Press After practicing medicine for 25 years, Dr. Jeffrey Duckham almost was ready to hang up his stethoscope. The high cost of maintaining a solo family practice coupled with low reimbursement rates from insurers required the Silicon Valley doctor to maintain a roster of 2,500 patients to stay in business. […]

Birth Centers Closing
Brenda Lane Birth centers around the country is being hard hit with slowing business and rising malpractice insurance. What is to become of the free-standing birth centers? One of the most disturbing trends across the country and beyond has been the closing of many free-standing birth centers. In as few as the last three […]

Passed Resolution Allows Leeway for Gay Therapy
By Lillian Kwon Christian Post Reporter A national society of physician assistants (PA) this week rejected a resolution that would have banned all efforts to alter sexual orientation. Instead, it passed one that would not restrict PAs from helping those with unwanted homosexual desires. PAs, health care professionals who are licensed or credentialed to practice […]

Cancer Clinics of Excellence(TM), New National Network of Oncologists, Launches with Goal of Improving Quality of Cancer Care Cancer Clinics of Excellence(TM) (CCE) today announced that it has launched with the goal of bringing together community-based oncologists to provide high-quality, cost-effective, best-in-class care for cancer patients. Established in April, CCE is one of the largest physician focused oncology services companies in the United States, with 224 medical oncologists at 21 practices in […]

Advanced Practice in Nuclear Medicine: A Pathway to Clinical Leadership
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology by Society of Nuclear Medicine Martha Pickett, MHSA, CNMT, Chair, SNMTS Advanced Practice Task Force One of the most exciting career advancement opportunities in recent times has been the development of the advanced practice career track for nuclear medicine technologists. The office at the university where I work receives several […]

PHR data overload, legal liability concern docs Like a recurring dream about having to take a test they didn’t study for, some physicians view the idea of patients with electronic personal-health records as their own personal nightmare. Visions of patients handing over a computer disk containing years’ worth of blood-pressure readings taken every four hours along with random recollections of rashes […]
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