Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Physician Knowledge And Patient Care Advanced By Endoscopic Procedures Research presented at Digestive Disease Week® 2007 (DDW®) examines a new endoscopic suturing method for the treatment of gastrointestinal perforations and other types of transgastric surgery, as well as the use of wireless capsule endoscopy in young children, to better understand the pathology of the small intestine. Endoscopic procedures are continually enhancing and improving […]

Inefficient doctor? Government considers profiling of physicians
By Liz Freeman The federal government may be deciding what it means to be a good doctor, a sure-fire way to anger a profession already under siege from a variety of fronts. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid is considering a recommendation from the General Accounting Office that it start a physician profiling system […]

Doctors' list puts a price on care
A decision by a major medical group to post rates could push rivals to do the same, letting Californians shop. By Lisa Girion, Times Staff Writer LA TIMES California’s largest private physician practice has become one of the first doctor groups in the nation, and almost certainly the largest, to make prices for its medical […]

Study: Doctors are slow to admit mistakes
Lee Bowman/Scripps Howard News Service We all make mistakes, even doctors from time to time. And in theory, it’s good to admit it when we make a mistake. But when it comes to doctors, a recent study suggests they’re more likely to say it’s important in theory to disclose a medical error to patients […]

Hospitals not obligated to required that doctors have insurance
By BILL KACZOR Associated Press Writer TALLAHASSEE, Fla. Hospitals cannot be held liable in medical malpractice cases for failing to ensure doctors with staff privileges meet state financial responsibility requirements through insurance or other means, the Florida Supreme Court said Thursday. The unanimous ruling disapproved of decisions by three of the state’s five district courts […]

Healthcare Expenses Are A Key Site Location Factor By Michael Keating, Senior Research Editor, Expansion Management Healthcare costs are still keeping executives awake at night. Healthcare will be the greatest source of cost pressure on companies for the first half of 2007, say more than half of the CEOs polled in the Business Roundtable’s latest Economic Outlook Survey. Healthcare spending, estimates the […]

New York Physician Pioneers New Approach to Pediatric Care Every hour five babies are born prematurely. With the rise in women giving birth later in life, the use of assisted reproductive technology escalates-as does the percentage of newborn babies born high-risk. Dr. Edith McCarthy, a leading Manhattan-based physician certified in both Pediatric Medicine and Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, is changing the face of pediatric care […]

Prescriber Profiling: Time to Call It Quits
David Grande, MD, MPA Pharmaceutical marketing to physicians recently surpassed $23 billion per year, and the pharmaceutical industry currently employs 1 sales representative for every 5 office-based physicians (1, 2). In this setting, policymakers and patients are understandably concerned about commercial influences on physicians’ prescribing decisions. Real-time, physician-specific data on prescribing habits are a […]

Options To Improve Quality And Efficiency Among Medicare Physicians “Congress has an historic opportunity to join with the American College of Physicians (ACP), other physician organizations and employers to redesign Medicare payment policies to provide incentives for patient-centered care,” ACP told the House Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health in a written statement for the record submitted today. Thursday’s hearing was […]
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