Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Study Finds Gap Between Practice, Attitudes Toward Medical Errors When it comes to disclosing medical errors to patients, there is a gap between physicians’ attitudes and their real-world experiences admitting such errors, according to a University of Iowa study. From a survey of faculty physicians, resident physicians and medical students, researchers found that while nearly all respondents indicated that they would disclose a […]

NYTimes: Drug industry speaking fees, etc. flowing to the docs who prescribe In a five-reporter blitz over the last two days the NY Times has shown what earnest shoe work and paper-trail-pursuit can do to find out how big-money industries can prime their markets. The target here is big pharma. The topic is the many ways by which drug makers get extra money to the docs […]

'Retired' doctor keeps serving his community
JILL ARMENTROUT THE SAGINAW NEWS Dr. Robert L. Vitu of Saginaw Township is officially retired but sometimes, it’s hard to tell. Vitu earned a 2007 Michigan State Medical Society Community Service Award in recognition of his volunteer work at a free health clinic in Saginaw. A family physician who spent 50 years serving patients, […]

Dutch Euthanasia Rates Steady After Legalization Since euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide were legalized by the Dutch in 2002, use of the practices has dropped slightly and now has stabilized, a new report finds. That marks an abrupt turnaround from trends during the last 10 years, say the authors of a study in the May 10 New England Journal of Medicine. […]

Slade Consulting Group Launches Physician Recruitment Practice MDSearch Canada’s healthcare market is highly fragmented and growing as fewer physicians are entering the in-demand specialties including family and rural practice. Studies by the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) project the shortage to increase to between 2,400 and 3,400 physicians by 2010 depending on the degree of government action. These figures point towards an Ontario […]

PSA HealthCare Announces Second Quarter Financial Results Pediatric Services of America, Inc. d/b/a PSA HealthCare (NASDAQ:PSAI) announced today financial results for the second quarter of fiscal year 2007, ended March 31, 2007. Highlights of PSA’s results for the second quarter ended March 31, 2007, include:

Oregon's top doc calls for health care reform
By LAURENT L.N. BONCZIJK For the News-Register One of Dr. Klaus Martin’s main missions, as the new president of the Oregon Medical Association, will be to work toward overhaul of the way costs are covering in the American health care system. Martin, a family-practice physician based in McMinnville, said the workings of both the […]

Retail Health Clinics Pick up Momentum in Tx.
Written By: James Rottet Health Care News Home Retail health clinics are becoming increasingly popular nationwide, and the movement got a boost in Texas on February 15 when Baylor Health Care System and MedBasics announced a formal collaboration. Under the agreement, Baylor physicians will provide medical oversight for certified nurse practitioners (NPs) working at MedBasics […]

Silicon Valley Pay-for-Performance Consortium Announces Significant Progress in Health Information Technology Systems Adoption
By: Marketwire . The Silicon Valley Pay-for-Performance Consortium, a collaborative effort started by Cisco® (NASDAQ: CSCO), Intel Corporation and Oracle along with several large California physician organizations (POs) to accelerate the use of technology for quality health care, today announced its first year end results. These results demonstrate impressive strides in the adoption and use […]
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