Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Patient Satisfaction Surveys: Not a Good Idea
Everyone can agree that when it comes to healthcare, we want the best to be based here, in the United States. However, getting to that destination is where people disagree. One area that has doctors upset is Patient Satisfaction Surveys. We actually built our own Patient Survey System about 10 years ago, and have had […]

New Coding Structure Threatens Small Physician Practices
Just before Christmas, the AMA released a letter that they sent to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that they should stop the implementation of ICD-10-CM. This letter was signed by nearly nearly 40 national physician organizations. ICD-10-CM is the 10th revision for outpatient diagnosis coding. This new coding structure is set to increase […]

Medicare Fraud – and not by Doctors
Everything we read lately talks about how doctors are having their practices turned inside and out by the government’s henchmen…..otherwise known as RAC Audits. RAC Audits are essentially the governments way of making sure physicians are not over-billing. If they find fraud…..well, you can be in a real world of hurting. We highly suggest you […]

Are Health Insurance Rates on the Rise?
We have spent a lot of time talking about the Affordable Care Act and how it will effect healthcare professionals…..both from a monetary standpoint as well as a doctor/patient relationship position. However, we have not really touched upon the impact on the average citizen who does not get coverage through their employer. One of the […]

Pubic Hair related injuries increase five-fold
Well….I think we need to add another chore to the daily list of all doctors: They should consider counseling patients against nonelectric razor use in pubic hair grooming to help prevent injury. Why you ask? Well, over the last 8 years, the amount of emergency room visits have increased 5 times! You would assume that […]

What is Group Health Insurance? Can I get it?
Without appropriate health insurance coverage, hospitalization or a serious illness can be financially devastating, which can be a very hard lesson to learn. In today’s uncertain economy, with rampant unemployment and many companies looking for ways to trim expenses, there are far too many people that are vulnerable, should they or someone in their family […]

Genetically Engineered T-Cells Force Leukemia into Remission
A pretty amazing story indeed……13 people with a form of cancer called multiple myeloma were treated with genetically engineered T-Cells and all 13 are now in remission or close to it. “The fact we got a response in all 13, you can’t get better than that,” says James Noble, CEO of Adaptimmune in Abingdon, UK, which […]

Helium Shortage could have major Healthcare consequences
The things you learn while surfing the web can either be extremely interesting……..or a complete waste of time! This however falls into the first category and is something I have never thought about. Dr. Peter Wothers, a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a University of Cambridge chemist, believes there will be a […]

Want to know what $315 billion in gold looks like?
Not insurance related at all…..but very cool and interesting. This is a visit to the Bank of England bullion vault, which stores over $315 billion in gold.
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