Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Risk Retention Group to Provide Malpractice Insurance to Florida Nurses
Florida Nurses Association Endorses New Insurer Sophia Palmer Nurses Risk Retention Group, Inc. will offer malpractice insurance to Florida nurses in partnership with the Florida Nurses Association (FNA), Barbara Lumpkin, RN, FNA Associate Executive Director, and Kathi Cavallo, RN, CLC, President, Uni-Ter Risk Management Services, announced. The newly formed Risk Retention Group (RRG) was […]

Coming clean on medical mistakes
Tanya Talaga Robert Cribb Staff reporters When a 44-year-old Edmonton mother of three died from an accidental overdose of a chemotherapy drug last August, Alberta health officials admitted the mistake and issued a public apology. That public admission sparked changes in Toronto. The University Health Network immediately reviewed their procedures on dispensing chemo at […]

Who's uninsured in 2007? It's more than just the poor
By Julie Appleby, USA TODAY

More residencies said to be vital to keep doctors
UCF’s Dr. Deborah German and others endorse legislation to increase such positions. Harry Wessel | Sentinel Staff Writer When the University of Central Florida won approval last year to build a medical school, the landmark event was touted as a key step in alleviating both the region’s and the state’s growing shortage of physicians. […]

Bloated insurance coffers, not malpractice suits, are the problem
By LARRY DAUGHTREY Like many of the issues batted around in Tennessee’s General Assembly, it is all about money —and who gets the edge in pocketing the most. Two professions with high ideals — healing and justice — are right in there in the mix with loan sharks, liquor dealers and used-car sellers. The […]

Mediation helps hospitals steer clear of courtrooms
By Joyce Gannon, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s pioneering formal mediation process not only helps settle malpractice claims before they go to court, but it also allows both sides to think about creative ways to work things out. Besides monetary awards, patients have had plaques, monuments or hospital rooms named in […]

Physician Demographics Evident in Turnover Rates; “Fit and Family� Are Driving Forces

Injured patients want new rules for chiropractors
By Susan Haigh, Associated Press Writer -When Brittmarie Harwe woke up with a sore neck and shoulder in 1993, she sought help from a chiropractor recommended by a friend. But at her second visit, something went terribly wrong. “When he did the first (adjustment), I felt it, like a rushing noise in my head, dizzy,” […]

Online tool helps assess safety procedures
The new patient-safety survey is free, but practices must pay $200 to find out how their scores compare with other groups. By Kevin B. O’Reilly, AMNews staff.
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