Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Editorial: Hospital support Health care today is one of the real growth sectors of the economy. As we have reported before, the additional jobs created in medicine account for all the new jobs in the country since 2000. Take away all the added jobs in health care and the net growth is zero.

OK-Murphey proposes alternative to malpractice suits
by Erin Boeckman Rather than pursue allegations of malpractice through the court system, an Oklahoma legislator has filed a bill suggesting patients prepare for possible negative outcomes with insurance.

The doctor is in — for now
Physicians will quit due to high malpractice insurance rate, medical society says By CATHLEEN F. CROWLEY, Staff writer Dear Patient, your doctor might be out of business tomorrow. That’s the message some physicians are giving their clients.

Communities have trouble attracting doctors

A.M. Best Affirms Rating of Connecticut Medical Insurance Company;

'Concierge' doctors have time on their side
By Sandy Kleffman CONTRA COSTA TIMES On a typical day, five or six patients used to fill Dr. Michael O’Brien’s small waiting room, cooling their heels until they got 10 minutes with the Castro Valley physician.

New Council Calls for Immediate Increase in Physician and Nurse Education
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