Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

HHS Announces Patient Safety and Medical Liability Demonstration Projects
side note: This may not be the federal tort reform most physicians had hoped for, but it is a start. Below please find the official press release from the Health & Human Services’ Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality that details how the $25 million in funding will be allocated. The Department of Health and […]

How Physicians Can Still Profit in a Down Economy
While many individuals are feeling the effects of this down economy, physicians are no exception. Today, let’s talk about two ways physicians can still make money despite these tough economic times. 1. Cater to changing demographics. By this, we mean Baby Boomers. There are many moonlighting opportunities and add-ons to your practice that exist thanks […]

The Different Types Medical Liability Insurers
side note: The link below references a recent press release from MMIC Group, which provides medical malpractice insurance to physicians, clinics, hospitals and other healthcare facilities, primarily in Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin. The press release announces that MMIC Group received final regulatory approval to change from a stock […]

Government Asking Patients to Report Medical Errors
The New York Times recently reported on a new “consumer reporting system for patient safety.” The article details how the Obama administration wants patients to report medical errors and unsafe practices by care givers. The government says that it will use the data collected to make health care safer. The plan, proposed by the […]

No-Known-Loss Letters: Do You Need to Take Them Seriously?
When entering into claims-made policies, physicians are regularly asked to sign no-known-loss letters as part of the med mal insurance application process. But how seriously dose a physician need to take them? The short answer is: VERY seriously. Today we will also give you the longer answer and explain why no-known-loss letters are not to […]

Interview with Matt Ray, Practice Manager of IRC
Today we are interviewing Matt Ray, Practice Manager of Integrated Rehab Consultants (IRC). Integrated Rehab Consultants partners with skilled nursing facilities to provide enhanced levels of care for rehab patients in a sub-acute setting. IRC utilizes a team-based approach to rehab, and IRC’s Physiatrists are dedicated to managing a rehabilitation program that rivals inpatient rehab […]

Liability Coverage for Multispecialty Physicians
Lately the agents at have been working with more and more physicians that have been trained in, and are practicing in, multiple specialties. In this situation, medical liability insurance for multispecialty physicians can sometimes be straight-forward and easy to secure. But, other times, special customized coverage is required. First, multispecialty physicians should NEVER assume […]

What You Should Expect From Your Professional Liability Agent
The professional liability agents at feel that our clients should expect a lot from us. We are professionals, just like they are. They specialize; we specialize. Here are eight things that we believe you should reasonably expect from us (and, really, any professional liability agent). 1. Ideally, your insurance agent should specialize in professional […]

Patient Satisfaction More Important Than Ever in Medicine
A study of customer satisfaction across several industries, including patient satisfaction in health care, was the topic of a recent AMedNews article that we’ll discuss today. The consulting firm, PwC, studied customer service in health care and compared it with several other industries, like hotels and airlines. As you are well aware, for better or […]
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