Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Why the TYPE of Liability Agent You Have Matters
It may seem obvious that the type of liability agent you use to secure coverage is one of the most important choices you will make. Will you choose to work with someone representing a specific company and limit yourself to only one option, or do you want to see the entire scope of the market […]

3 Things to NEVER Assume About Your Liability Policy
It is quite common for a new client or soon-to-be client to call us with questions about their physician liability policy. We always go over the policy very carefully with our new clients and we attempt to explain not only what the policy covers, but what the policy doesn’t cover. Here are three very important […]

Telemedicine More Common, Cost-Cutting
Telemedicine has been becoming more and more common. There have been patients engaging their healthcare via telephone—a practice commonly referred to as telemedicine—for more than 40 years. The ability to consult a physician remotely has been a literal lifesaver for the nation’s more rural areas. Some in the medical liability industry have questioned the soundness […]

A New Way to Drive Down Your Patients’ Healthcare Costs
Whether you support the Affordable Care Act or not, everyone agrees that medical care in the United States is prohibitively expensive. And according to data released by the Congressional Budget Office, we can expect an 8% increase in healthcare spending between now and 2022. Driving this cost inflation is an aging population and the rising […]

Surgery Center Professional Liability Coverage
Today, let’s discuss surgery center professional liability coverage. Over the past decade, the growth in outpatient surgery centers has been phenomenal. These centers typically provide a wide range of services, and have evolved into a competitive option vs. the local hospitals. Surgery center professional liability coverage is just starting to evolve, as more and more […]

Med Mal Policy Features You May Feel Strongly About, Pt 3
Defense Costs: Inside/Outside Limits. Any physician that has been through a claim, or is going through a claim, spends a lot of time going over the features of the med mal insurance policy that he or she is covered under and worrying if the coverage will be sufficient. While we understand that reading and understanding […]

Med Mal Policy Features You May Feel Strongly About, Pt 2
Consent to Settle Clause. After taking a short break and discussing the historic Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act, the bloggers at are returning to our series on policy features, which we know has a very large impact on your practice. Today we will be discussing the Consent to Settle Clause. If […]

Med Mal Policy Features You May Feel Strongly About, Pt 1
This is the first in a series of posts where we will be defining critically important med mal policy terms. As part of our Welcome Packet to new clients, we always include a quick word of advice to review the policy and know the main features of the policy. Many times, after doing this, physicians […]

Illinois Med Mal Insurance
For doctors in need of Illinois med mal policies, the good news is that there are plenty of options available and the agents of are truly experts in the state. And, the parent company of is Cunningham Group, a medical malpractice insurance agency based in Illinois and providing med mal insurance exclusively since […]
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