Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Surviving a Med Mal Lawsuit: What Happens Next?
Side Note: For many people, a job is just a job. But for physicians, being a doctor is not only their career, it is what they have trained most of their lives for, made considerable personal and financial sacrifices for, and it is often a large part of their identity. Thus, it is no surprise […]

Wisconsin Ponders Informed Consent
Side Note: The Wisconsin Supreme Court is currently reviewing a case that challenge’s notions about informed consent. While we have previously discussed here the concept of informed consent and stressed that it is not merely getting a signature on a consent form, it bears repeating that informed consent is a process and a conversation. However, […]

Barriers to EMRs
Side Note: Have you already moved your practice over to electronic medical records (EMRs)? If you have, congratulations! If you haven’t, that is probably why you are reading this post. A new study, conducted by Medical Group Management Association, which covers 4,588 health-care organizations, including practices and hospitals, yielded some interesting results. First, of those […]

Massachusetts Again Ahead of the Curve
Side Note: In the health care world, Massachusetts has a reputation for being progressive and ahead of its time. Massachusetts has already enacted universal coverage and is now looking to undertake the next step and work on cost-containment. Many health care experts are watching Massachusetts to see what lessons can be learned and applied, particularly […]

Urgent Care Centers: A Win-Win
Side Note: As we all know, there are many problems with the current health care system. One of those problems is the chronic misuse of emergency rooms around the county. While there are many reasons for this, one is the unfortunate reality that many individuals don’t have a primary care provider or good preventative care. […]

Urgent Care Centers: The New ER?
Side Note: Ah, the irony. Less and less patients are going to the emergency room for an emergency. And, instead, they are going in growing numbers to urgent care centers. But, why? Could it possibly be that there is another flaw in our current health care system? Are patients learning that emergency rooms are no […]

New Wireless Devices for Primary Care Medicine
Side Note: Medicine changes fast –that’s nothing new. But, medicine does seem to be changing faster than ever –especially in the realm of health care technology. Within the past several years, over 1700 smartphone apps have been developed for physicians. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The article below reports on six new […]

NJ Likely to Face Physician Shortage
Side Note: New Jersey is having a hard time attracting new physicians to its state and for good reason. In an era when practicing medicine is hard enough –with looming Medicare cuts, administrative headaches like transitioning to electronic medical records, the cost of physician liability coverage along with the constant threat of med mal lawsuits, […]

Medicare in 2012: Doomsday or Delay?
Side Note: Same story, different year. Unless Congress acts quickly, physicians will face a dramatic 29.5% Medicare reimbursement pay cut on January 1, 2012. Such a reduction in Medicare payments would greatly impact care not only for senior citizens, but also for military families (through TRICARE). This, combined with the growing number of aging Baby […]
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