Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Another Medicare Payment Deadline Blown: Prepare for AMA Ads
Side Note: As Medicare reimbursement to physicians reaches the date of a scheduled 21% cut, Congress has responded only by pushing the date back and letting the broken system continue. The Cunningham Group supports the efforts of the AMA and other medical organizations to encourage meaningful action on the Medicare payment issue. by Katherine Hobson […]

Justice Department declares war on doctors
side note: Well, this was not a good ruling for doctors in this country. I know there is a fine line for doctors in having a profitable business and staying true to the Hippocratic oath, but this to me, seems a bit of an over-extending by the DOJ. I have been following this case and […]

Healthcare groups continue fight for greater malpractice reform
side note: This article from Dermatology Times reviews the efforts of medical groups to make tort reform an issue in Obama’s health care reform plan, and examines the results of a new Harvard study on tort reform mechanisms. The Cunningham Group is dedicated to providing low medical liability insurance premiums to our clients, so we […]

No, You Can't Keep Your Health Plan
Side Note: In this article from the Wall Street Journal, Scott Gottlieb, a practicing physician, anticipates changes that will need to be made by physicians and insurance companies as a result of President Obama’s health plan. In Gottlieb’s view, the Obama plan puts undue economic burden on doctors, who already must deal with increasing medical […]

Tip #1 on how to lower your medical malpractice insurance costs
As we slowly wind down the week, I thought I’d spend a few minutes going over a tip that doctors and other health care professionals can use to help lower their medical liability insurance rates. This will be the first in our series of how to make sure you pay the absolute lowest price for […]

Digitize medical records; waiting puts lives at risk
side note: Another article on the importance of Electronic Health Records (EHR). Though the initial cost may be a burden for doctors, hospitals and practices, the rewards of an electronic system will begin paying immediate dividends. Studies show that error rates (and therefore, medical malpractice lawsuits) are lower for those physicians and hospitals that use […]

Medicare Doctor Pay 'Fix' Deadline Looming – Again
Side note: Doctors who see Medicare patients are once again facing the possibility of a large pay cut. For the third time this year, Congress must vote on whether or not to delay a 21% cut in Medicare payments to physicians. At a time when doctors are facing rising costs due to expensive tests and […]

Health IT funding to create 50,000 jobs
side note: This was a big concern of ours when President Obama urged physicians and health care providers to begin the transition to EHR/EMR. Our IT staff voiced this concern after visiting the HIMSS convention at McCormick place in Chicago in early 2009. How would doctors, espcially in small 1-2 physician practices make the transition? […]

Teaching Physicians the Price of Care
Side note: Great article from the New York Times on teaching medical students about the cost of care. Thought this is an important first step, students should also be taught about the cost of running a practice, and how much this can vary by location and specialty. Since medical malpractice insurance is one of the […]
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