Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Best Medical Schools
I meant to post this when it came out a few weeks back, but just in case someone missed it, here you go. US News & World Report lists the top medical school in the country. You can head over to their site filter their rankings based upon the following specialties: AIDS Drug and alcohol […]

Study: Malpractice Worries Help Drive Health Costs
Side note: Study shows the real cost of medical malpractice lawsuits. Nearly one in four cardiologists surveyed admit to practicing defensive medicine because of fears of getting sued. Another term used within the medical community to describe defensive medicine is CYA. Cover Your Ass! We see physicians practicing CYA medicine as one of the main […]

History of Medical Malpractice Insurance Rates
We are pleased to announce that is the only place on the Internet to see how much physicians are paying for their medical malpractice insurance. The unique part of this is that we have data that goes back to the year 2000. Want to know if Tort Reform actually lowered rates in Texas when […]

Free iPhone medical apps that every doctor can use
side note: Found this over at KevinMD’s blog and thought that I should re-post this because all Cunningham Group website visitors should be aware of these. With the explosion of smart phone sales, and the increased awareness of EMR/EHR…these types of apps have become increasingly important to physicians who want to use technology to better….and […]

A New Study on How to Prevent and Control Hypertension
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has released a new report that identifies “high-priority areas on which public health organizations and professionals should focus in order to accelerate progress in hypertension reduction and control.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) asked the IOM to create this report because hypertension is one of the leading […]

Health Insurers reap record profits in 2009
We found out last week that America’s five largest health insurance organizations had profits of $12.2 billion dollars in 2009. Those insurance companies include United Health, Cigna, Aetna, Wellpoint and Humana. This was nearly a 60% increase over the previous year. The backwards thing about these profits is that they happened during the worst economic […]

Online Communities for Physicians
Physicians have started to take advantage of the internet and reach out to each other in order to form a more cohesive community in which they can brainstorm and affect actual policy in Washington DC and their state governments. The 2008 election of President Obama increased physician membership in online communities because a lot of […]

Pain and suffering: No medical malpractice caps in Iowa
side note: For all the commonsense reasons tort reform is advantageous to our society, there are instances of true medical malpractice that make the argument difficult. Here is one of those heartbreaking instances. Jan. 17–S chelley Sanders went into a Davenport hospital on her 35th birthday in 2003 to have her fallopian tubes tied, a […]

Lobbyist details health care bill’s sticking points
side note: The letter below details what one lobbyist believes will be the outcome of the healthcare reform debate. He says that healthcare reform will pass, but expects selling it to the American people will take longer than the president expects. A lobbyist close to the battles over federal health care reform predicted a bill […]
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