Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Harrisburg panel focuses on broken health care system
by DAVID WENNER, Of The Patriot-News A panel of people including health care providers, business and organized labor gathered in Harrisburg today to push for America to address its health care crisis. But while they all agreed the health care system is broken, there was little consensus on how to fix it. For example, […]

Governor Patterson freezes medical malpractice rates Former Governor Spitzer formed a statewide task force – to define the main causes of medical malpractice and find out what contributes to the high cost of insurance against such claims. Washington, D. C. ( – medical malpractice news Report) – A bill- proposed to give relief to doctors who have experienced extremely high […]

Judge hears arguments over Wis. medical fund
By SCOTT BAUER |Associated Press Writer MADISON, Wis. – A Dane County judge is considering the legality of a $200 million fund transfer made to help balance the state budget. Judge Michael Nowakowski declined to rule following oral arguments Monday, saying the issue was too complex for a quick decision. If he rules against […]

Stanford Medical School Severely Restricts Industry Funding of Continuing Education for Physicians STANFORD, Calif., Aug 26, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) — The Stanford University School of Medicine will no longer accept support from pharmaceutical or device companies for specific programs in continuing medical education, as industry-directed funding may compromise the integrity of these education programs for practicing physicians, officials said. The action on CME builds on a […]

Opinion: Single payer plan may help medical costs In an Aug. 16 letter, Mark Kriss wrote of the necessity of tort reform in reducing the cost of health care. Unfortunately, Mr. Kriss’ claims that regulating tort awards will reduce medical costs is at odds with reality. Both the cost of malpractice insurance and the payouts in malpractice cases have remained essentially constant […]

Patients And Physicians Alliance Asks DNC to Remove Governor Ed Rendell as Democratic National Convention Speaker PHILADELPHIA, PA, Aug 25, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) — The Patients And Physicians Alliance (P.A.P.A.) (, an organization of physicians and patients formed to stop Pennsylvania’s erosion of health care services, blames Pennsylvania’s Governor Ed Rendell for the commonwealth’s continued closure of hospital maternity care services, trauma centers, and medical practices, and […]

Physicians face pressures from drug managers

Paterson freezes malpractice insurance rates
By MICHAEL GORMLEY (AP) amNewYork ALBANY, N.Y. – Gov. David Paterson is freezing medical malpractice insurance rates for a year as he seeks a broader solution to high business costs doctors claim are driving them out of New York. The freeze heads off a scheduled surcharge due in June 2009 that could have increase some […]

OSU physician practice adding 20 docs at expanded Gahanna office
Business First of Columbus – by Carrie Ghose The Ohio State University faculty physician practice that feeds patients to the university’s hospitals is expanding its Gahanna operation as part of an outpatient push into the suburbs. OSU Physicians Inc. bought a former Big Bear supermarket building on Hamilton near Johnstown roads for $6 million […]
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