Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

AMA News in brief – April 7, 2008 CMS seeks doctors’ opinions on Medicare carriers Physicians and health care facilities have until April 18 to respond to the Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services uses the questionnaire to evaluate contractor performance. Medicare carriers will be required to meet performance targets by 2009. The survey focuses on […]

New loan rate for Pennsylvania doctors who require med-mal insurance
Pittsburgh Business Times The Pennsylvania Medical Society has created a special-rate loan for Pennsylvania Medical Society members to help ease the financial hardships some physicians face in paying for malpractice insurance, the group said Tuesday. Doctors are required to carry malpractice insurance and the state has helped pay part of the premiums for years. […]

MSPAlliance Announces First Comprehensive Professional Liability Insurance Program for Managed Service Providers Low-cost professional liability insurance offers advanced protection for MSPs; available exclusively to MSPAlliance members. Chico, CA (PRWEB) April 2, 2008 — MSPAlliance, the International Association of Managed Service Providers, today announced the launch of a new professional liability insurance for Managed Service Providers (MSPs). This insurance program will be underwritten by Lloyd’s of London […]

CUMC Continues Quest for Improved Care With Digitized Records
By Roland Zemla Amid growing paper stacks of patient charts, prescription notes, and physician orders, New York City hospitals have been flooded with medical information that has put excessive strain on the efficiency of health care delivery and patient management. For the Columbia University Medical Center, however, the classic patient-chart system may soon become […]

Thousands of Michigan doctors likely to hang up their stethoscopes
DIANE IVEY | Capital News Service LANSING– John Dircks is a doctor of pulmonary medicine in Kalamazoo and will be celebrating his retirement.The 65-year-old physician, a graduate of the University of Michigan, founded his pulmonary clinical care group in 1976, and said he looks forward to a reduced workload. But for Dircks, retirement is […]

Insurance subsidy for docs set to end Monday
BY ROBERT SWIFT HARRISBURG — Legislative leaders remain at odds over health care issues, thus making it likely a state program to reduce malpractice insurance costs for doctors will expire as scheduled on Monday. The dispute means that Pennsylvania doctors will have to make malpractice payments Monday with no state-subsidized abatement to ease the […]

An unhealthy situation for patients
By Cathleen F. Crowley Dr. Joseph Sellers walks to work at Bassett Healthcare Cobleskill, where he is a primary-care doctor. He lives in Cobleskill, and his son is mayor. Nineteen years ago, Sellers was lured to Schoharie County because the state promised to repay part of his medical school bills if he set up […]

Several issues have high priority, doctors' advocate says
By LARRY HANNAN Doctors look out for their patients while Jay Millson looks out for the doctors. Millson, the executive vice president of the Duval County Medical Society, advocates for the interests of doctors in Duval County. The medical society, which is part of the Florida Medical Association, also creates a local directory of […]

Obstetricians may avoid births due to lawsuit threats
By Frank Donnelly NEW YORK — Ten years from now, many babies could be delivered by doctors who are total strangers to their mothers. Medical malpractice insurance for obstetricians and gynecologists could become so expensive that only hospitals — and the doctors under their insurance umbrellas — could afford coverage for birthings. For expectant […]
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