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Panel identifies 21 ways to improve how NY educates its doctors
The Business Review (Albany) A state panel has identified 21 ways in which New York’s Graduate Medical Education system can be improved. The New York State Council on Graduate Medical Education (COGME), a group of physicians, medical administrators and other heath care leaders, issued its report to Health Commissioner Dr. Richard Daines on March […]

Docs’ malpractice plan hinges on coverage plea
BY DANIEL AXELROD Local state representatives are at the heart of a debate pitting an extension of a state-funded medical malpractice insurance abatement against a plan to expand coverage to hundreds of thousands of uninsured adults. The bill is similar to but not as ambitious as Gov. Ed Rendell’s Cover All Pennsylvanians proposal. Now, […]

Medical clinic short on patients
By Michelle Lang, Calgary Herald At a time when nearly a quarter of all Calgarians don’t have a regular family physician, a new medical clinic in the city is struggling with the opposite problem: a shortage of patients. The Calgary Foothills Primary Care Centre has signed up only 200 people since opening its doors […]

New York Consumer Groups Criticize Medical Malpractice Plan
By Kenneth J. St. Onge Consumer and health advocacy groups in New York are criticizing a yet-to-be-made public plan to create a medical malpractice indemnity pool which would cover medical expenses for injured patients. Although no plan to create the pool has been announced, the coalition of groups – which includes the New York […]

Doctor wants focus back on practice
By Rachel Davis Home Physician George Matthews, former owner of the Women’s Clinic L.L.P., said it’s time to stop running a business and focus on what he loves to do — practice obstetrics and gynecology. Matthews, along with clinic physician and partner Ben Williams, approached Scott Taylor, president and CEO of St. Catherine Hospital, a […]

Clinton Believes Physicians Deserve Higher Medicare Fees
By Mark Crane WASHINGTON, March 24 — Physicians deserve higher Medicare fees, but they may have to keep enduring annual statutory pay cuts restored at the last second by congressional action, said the chief policy director for Sen. Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The cuts are mandated by Medicare’s sustainable growth rate pay formula that […]

Battle Erupts Over Insurance Plan for MDs
By E.B. SOLOMONT A coalition of groups aligned with trial lawyers is denouncing a possible remedy to New York‘s medical malpractice insurance crisis: a state-sponsored indemnity fund that would pay the future medical bills of injured patients. In a letter sent to Governor Paterson yesterday, the groups — including the Center for Justice & […]

Drug Alerts Sent Instantly to U.S. Doctors via Email on New National Network San Francisco, CA (Vocus/PRWEB ) March 25, 2008 – A new network to deliver drug safety alerts online to U.S. physicians was launched today, replacing a widely criticized and decades-old system based upon paper and U.S. mail. The Health Care Notification Network (HCNN) is the result of a three-year effort and an unprecedented collaboration […]

Before firing bad patients, doctors turn to lawyers
Boston Business Journal – by Lisa van der Pool A patient is unhappy with her cosmetic surgery results and begins to bombard her physician with voice mails and e-mails demanding a refund; her doctor ponders a restraining order. A physician has proof that his patient is “doctor shopping” to procure extra pain pills to […]
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