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Editorial: New York must fix malpractice insurance problem
Newsday Inc. Couldn’t see your doctor today? Your favorite physician may have been busy seeking treatment for a vexing problem of his or her own. Exasperated by the soaring cost of medical malpractice insurance, a large contingent of doctors was to converge on Albany today in search of relief. The condition needs attention. Stat. […]

Bill would raise cap on pain and suffering malpractice lawsuits
Andrew Villegas A bill that would increase how much patients who sue Colorado doctors for medical malpractice could receive for pain and suffering passed the state Senate on Monday morning. The bill would allow patients to sue doctors for up to $500,000 for pain and suffering. It passed despite calls from doctors and insurers […]

Opinion: Malpractice suits need limits
Lee Coleman A reasonable limit on medical malpractice lawsuits would go a long way to eliminate the rapid rise in health-care costs and related health-insurance costs. Pennsylvania is seeing many of its doctors leave the state because we have no limits on medical malpractice lawsuits, making malpractice insurance skyrocket. The only other alternative is […]

Local docs to lobby for malpractice insurance reform
By Jerry Gleeson About 100 Westchester County doctors are expected to make the rounds of the state Legislature today, lobbying against threatened increases in malpractice insurance that they say will drive physicians out of New York. Two buses were to leave the parking lot of the Medical Society of the County of Westchester in […]

Bill lifts damages cap for medical injuries
By Tim Hoover Injured patients would be able to sue doctors for more money under a bill that won initial Senate approval Thursday and which its sponsor called “negotiation by legislative gunpoint.” Senate president Peter Groff, D-Denver, said his bill is a reasonable measure that restores balance to Colorado’s medical malpractice laws. Under current […]

Legislature missed tort issue
By Mike Bandy The Oregon Legislature should have tackled the issue of tort cap liability during its recently concluded special session. The state tort cap should have been — along with the situation at Oregon State Hospital — a “don’t go home without it” issue. Unfortunately, it’s easy to think of the tort cap […]

Tort Reform Bill Dies
By Leland Kim HAWAII STATE CAPITOL (KHNL) — Judiciary Committee Chair Tommy Waters (D-Lanikai, Waimanalo, Island of Kaula) held a controversial medical liability or tort reform bill in his hands Thursday. “It’s not doctors versus lawyers,” he said. “I know the proponents of the bill want to frame it that way. For me, it’s […]

Physicians Will Seek To Prescribe to Albany
By E.B. SOLOMONT Health care organizations and physician groups will vie for the attention of state lawmakers this week, as thousands of health care lobbyists travel to Albany to weigh in on Governor Spitzer’s health care agenda. The main physician group in New York, the Medical Society of the State of New York, expects […]

Lawsuits are behind surgeon shortage in USA
Lewis S. Sharps, M.D., president, Positive Physicians Insurance Exchange – Paoli, Pa. USA TODAY’s story about the surgeon shortage hit the bull’s-eye. But numerous other issues are creating this situation (“Shortage of surgeons pinches U.S. hospitals,” Cover story, News, Tuesday). USA TODAY’s article overlooked the effect medical malpractice has on a region’s ability to […]
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