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An Immokalee pediatrician says caring for low-income kids is a mission, not a job
By TRACY X. MIGUEL Ancema Uriostegui holds Jesus, 1, on her lap as she waits in a lobby area about the size of a bus. The other eight chairs — worn, green and made of wood — are filled with other parents and children waiting to see Dr. V. Laughter fills the pediatrician’s colorful […]

Task force will study medical liability caps
by Janie Har Legislature – Oregon’s low limits will not be fixed in the current special session — Lawmakers will not deal with Oregon’s low liability limits this session and instead moved Wednesday to create a task force to recommend ways to try to fix the problem in time for the 2009 session. Senate […]

SCC rules for reinsurer – Malpractice insurers fail in bid to advance claims against Richmond firm
by Greg Edwards Three Tennessee-based malpractice insurers have lost their bid to advance their claims against a Richmond-based reinsurer, Reciprocal of America. Reciprocal of America was placed in receivership in January 2003, and the State Corporation Commission ordered the company liquidated later that year. The reinsurer wrote hospital liability insurance, workers’ compensation insurance and […]

Micronesian Senator Says Doctors Should Get Malpractice Insurance
By Raymond A. Martinez SENATOR Henry H. San Nicolas introduced yesterday a bill, S.B. 16-18, to require medical doctors to get malpractice insurance. San Nicolas, Covenant-Tinian, said when patients suffer medical-related injuries, the government ends up shouldering the liability.

Malpractice bill gains – Doctors say raising the cap on awards will hike costs for everyone.
by Tim Hoover A Senate committee Monday passed a bill that would allow injured patients to sue doctors for more money, despite warnings from physicians and insurers that it would raise health care costs and hurt patient access. Senate President Peter Groff, D-Denver, said his legislation restores medical malpractice law to the intent lawmakers […]

Has medical malpractice changed medicine?
Professor of medicine, Washington University; Partner, Fox and Vuylsteke; President, St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society Professor of medicine, Washington University Yes … ‘Safety movement’ and time-limited certification help safeguard patients. Medical practice is fraught with complexity and uncertainty. Thus, medical malpractice is not defined by an unfortunate outcome or a patient’s death. Rather, medical […]

Malpractice Crisis Looms For Area MDs
By George Wallace Less than a year after New York State raised medical malpractice premiums by 15%, and created a task force to look into nagging problems in financing medical practitioners’ insurance, some doctors in Suffolk County are up in arms about rumors that they may be in for another financial shock this year. […]

Colorado Senate to vote on raising malpractice caps
by Bob Mook Denver Business Journal A proposal to relax caps in medical malpractice lawsuits is scheduled to be heard by the Senate, State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee on Monday. Introduced on Thursday, Senate Bill 164, sponsored by Sen. Peter Groff, D-Denver and Rep. Terrance Carroll, D-Denver, would raise the caps for non-economic […]

Texas Physicians Joins Lawsuit to Protect Liability Reforms The Texas Medical Association reported it has joined a legal action aimed a protecting tort reforms passed by the Texas Legislature passed in 2003. TMA said it sued to resolve several constitutional challenges to the centerpiece of the 2003 reforms: a cap on noneconomic damages (such as for pain and suffering) that may be […]
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