Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

MHA Insurance Company Offers Financial Incentive to Physician Policyholders Who Use Electronic Medical Records Starting Feb. 1, 2008, MHA Insurance Company will grant a premium credit of up to 5 percent for qualifying policyholders who utilize an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system. A qualifying policyholder would include independent solo physicians and group physician practices. Currently, MHA Insurance Company provides medical professional liability insurance to more than 3,000 independent […]

Physicians Consider Dropping Medicare Patients
Low reimbursement rates squeeze the earnings at doctors’ offices By Thomas Gaudio Home Mounting pressure on doctors stemming from Medicare has New Jersey physicians thinking about dropping patients with the federal insurance. More than 1.2 million people in the state have Medicare, which provides health insurance for individuals 65 and older, and for the disabled […]

After Doyle and Legislature raid, patients fund has to borrow money
New Richmond News The state fund that covers medical malpractice claims had to borrow millions after the governor and legislature raided it to balance the new state budget. According to the Wisconsin State Journal, the fund borrowed $46 million from other state accounts just to cover its obligations. And its paying interest on that money. […]

'Expert' witness is heart of med-mel problem
BY DR. JAY GROSSMAN Special To The Miami Herald Re: ”My view: Future of med-mal caps in doubt,” by Hector Lombana Mr. Lombana would love to go back to the halcyon days when attorneys made big bucks by milking the medical malpractice cow for all it was worth. Fortunately for physicians who practice here […]

Doctors get checks from medical liability relief fund About 1,200 New Jersey physicians received $16 million last month to help pay their medical liability insurance, according to the state’s Dept. of Banking and Insurance. The payments to eligible ob-gyns, neurosurgeons and radiologists are from a state subsidy fund set up in 2004 to ensure doctors could afford coverage. They represent the last […]

Doctors fear impact of insurance surcharge
by By Frank Donnelly State’s plan to assess 50Gs more will force many to close practices, Island opponents say Staten Island doctors fear a proposal being floated to hit them with a $50,000 surcharge to solve the state’s medical malpractice insurance funding woes could drive droves of physicians, from internists to high-risk specialists, out […]

Do Pediatricians Face A Malpractice Crisis? Do coast national insurances face a malpractice crisis? In the first systematic multi-year analysis of malpractice claims solely against national grange mutual insurance, researchers from the Indiana University School of Medicine report in the July issue of the journal Pediatrics that the answer is neither yes nor no. “We studied pediatricians and malpractice because […]

2008 predictions for trends in health care
By JULIUS A. KARASH As costs and the numbers of uninsured keep trending upward, health care has emerged as the most important domestic issue of 2008. Here are PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Research Institutes predictions for the top eight health industry issues of the coming year:

Insurers Stop Paying for Care Linked to Errors
Health Plans Say New Rules Improve Safety and Cut Costs; Hospitals Can’t Dun Patients By VANESSA FUHRMANS Health insurers are taking a new tack in a bid to improve patient safety and reduce health-care costs: refusing to pay — or let their patients be billed — for hospital errors. Aetna Inc., WellPoint Inc. and […]
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