Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Pa. physicians fearing boost in malpractice insurance fees
By Bill Toland, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Pennsylvania’s doctors, especially high-risk surgeons and physicians from the east who pay higher medical malpractice rates, worry that a state-mandated change in insurance could result in an overnight 25 percent increase in their premiums. Any doctor who does the majority of his work in Pennsylvania is required by state law […]

Do pediatricians face a malpractice crisis?
Indiana University study provides hard evidence previously lacking Cindy Fox Aisen Indiana University Do pediatricians face a malpractice crisis? In the first systematic multi-year analysis of malpractice claims solely against pediatricians, researchers from the Indiana University School of Medicine report in the July issue of the journal Pediatrics that the answer is neither yes […]

Doctors, retailers square off
AMA to seek probe of in-store clinics By Bruce Japsen Tribune staff reporter chicago tribune In an attempt to ratchet up scrutiny on the proliferation of in-store clinics being opened by retail giants, the American Medical Association said Monday that it will ask state and federal agencies to launch widespread investigations into the fast-growing patient-care […]

Insurance Company looks at ways to improve communication As part of its ongoing commitment to patient safety, ProMutual Group, a leading provider of medical liability insurance in the Northeast, is pleased to announce that on behalf of its insured physicians, it has negotiated a discount on annual subscriptions to EmmiPrep(TM), an innovative, web-based, patient education and risk management tool. The reduced cost […]

Personal comments by physicians distract from patient needs
Rochester investigation finds disclosures can harm physician-patient relationship Michael Wentzel In well-intentioned efforts to establish relationships, some physicians tell patients about their own family members, health problems, travel experiences and political beliefs. While such disclosures seem an important way to build a personal connection, a University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry investigation […]

Outsourcing to India hip surgery
By Felice J. Freyer Journal Medical Writer When Anne Grant needed surgery on a painful arthritic hip, she didn’t go to a hospital in Rhode Island. She didn’t even go to Boston. Instead, she packed her bags for India. Yes, India — where Indian doctors and nurses performed the procedure that Grant wanted for […]

Local Orthopaedic Practice Uses Stem Cells to Alleviate Knee Pain
DURHAM, N.C A clinical trial involving the use of stem cells to repair a torn meniscus (cartilage in the knee) is now being tested at Triangle Orthopaedic Associates, the Triangle’s premier orthopaedic practice. Triangle Orthopaedics is currently evaluating Chondrogen, a stem cell solution developed by Baltimore-based Osiris Therapeutics, Inc. for treating this common knee […]

Cost of malpractice insurance is driving docs out of business New York state physicians are facing a dire situation that is likely to get worse on July 1. That’s when the state superintendent of insurance is expected to announce a record high double-digit increase in medical liability insurance rates. Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Co., which provides the insurance for 70 percent of physicians practicing […]

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Forms Employer and Physician Advisory Groups to Guide Development of Blue Health Intelligence(R)
The Insurance professionals only source for News The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) has established physician and employer advisory groups to further enhance the market development of its Blue Health Intelligence (BHI) initiative, the nation’s premier healthcare database comprised of deidentified claims information from up to 80 million lives. “The addition of these […]
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