Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

State Refuses Malpractice Liability On Veterans Home
By Doug Thompson The Morning News The purchase of medical malpractice insurance covering the Fayetteville Veterans Nursing Home would be banned under a budget amendment adopted Monday, specifically rejecting a condition set by Washington Regional Medical Center in the home’s lease. The amendment to Senate Bill 449 by the Joint Budget Committee reads: “In no […]

Fear of lawsuits means fewer radiologists read mammograms
By DIANE COCHRAN Of The Gazette Staff Searching for a snowman in a blizzard. Spotting a star on a cloudy night. That’s how radiologists describe looking for cancer on a mammogram. It’s white on white – white tumors on white breast tissue – and it can be very difficult to see, even for the […]

Malpractice Reform Pays Off for Some
By the News-Register Just a few years ago, many West Virginia health care professionals complained that the high cost of malpractice insurance was forcing them to drop certain specialties, retire or leave the state. State officials did something about that — but now we wonder whether the “cureâ€? isn’t running a bit of a […]

It's tort reform time in Tennessee If it’s springtime, state legislators are in session and tort reform is again a hot topic in states where it hasn’t already been passed. Here in Tennessee, a proposed comprehensive “health care liability” bill (HB1993/SB2001) would, among other things: * Limit non-economic damages to $250,000 * Limit contingency fees for attorneys * Restrict expert […]

Who's uninsured in 2007? It's more than just the poor
By Julie Appleby, USA TODAY

Doctors rushing to practice in Texas after tort reform
Austin Business Journal by Jon Selden ABJ Staff Sign seen hanging in a vacant medical office in New York: “GTT” Just three years after state lawmakers cured a so-called medical crisis that was supposedly driving hordes of doctors out of the state, the state’s medical board is facing another one — too many doctors […]

NJ PURE Medical Malpractice Insurer Declares Dividends to Its Physicians
The malpractice insurer heralds its unique ability to underwrite more efficiently and control its claim losses and expenses as reasons for its success New Jersey Physicians United Reciprocal Exchange (NJ PURE), a leading New Jersey medical malpractice insurer, has declared a cash dividend to its physician policyholders. NJ PURE, a not-for-profit reciprocal exchange, will […]

Bloated insurance coffers, not malpractice suits, are the problem
By LARRY DAUGHTREY Like many of the issues batted around in Tennessee’s General Assembly, it is all about money —and who gets the edge in pocketing the most. Two professions with high ideals — healing and justice — are right in there in the mix with loan sharks, liquor dealers and used-car sellers. The […]

Insurer Rx: Kind doctors
To trim malpractice claims, United Medical helps physicians improve bedside manner, record keeping and procedure management By S.P. DINNEN REGISTER BUSINESS WRITER
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