Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Fear Factor
Legal reforms have brightened the medical malpractice horizon, but physicians are still wary of lawsuits — and still angry at high insurance premiums. More than 2,000 now choose to go without insurance. by Amy Keller After years of warfare, the smoke is clearing on Florida’s medical-malpractice front.

HCA med-mal coverage may be exaggerated
By Paul J. Nyden Staff writer

Input on medical lawsuits sought
Virginia’s high court is asked to rule on immunity for doctors BY BILL MCKELWAY TIMES-DISPATCH STAFF WRITER

For ND docs, sorry doesn't mean you get sued
The Associated Press

S.A. doctor offers concierge medical care
Wendy Rigby KENS 5 Eyewitness News

Concierge care – could it hurt patients? COLLIER COUNTY: A new trend in the medical field called concierge medicine gives patients access to their doctor 24 hours a day 365 days a year, but its high price has some worried they won’t be able to afford the treatment they need. The doctors say concierge care lets them get back to basics. […]

MINT Canadian Specialty offers unique medical liability coverage

Let patients know about bad doctors
Medical malpractice suits embarrass doctors, but the patients need to know about them to make informed decisions.
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