Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Grocery list: Milk, eggs, bread and a checkup
By Ann Wlazelek Of The Morning Call At King’s Market in Allentown, shoppers can not only pick up a quart of milk and carton of eggs but also park their carts to get a lab test, medical diagnosis or treatment for anything from pink eye to strep throat. The Geisinger Health System, based in […]

Getting on the patient's team
Anne Krishnan, Staff Writer Matt Person has a vision for health care. He imagines a family doctor referring patients for counseling or acupuncture simply by walking them next door. Cardiologists and nutritionists would cross paths daily. Physical therapists and personal trainers would help patients transition from rehabilitation to getting in shape. Person and business […]

People left holding bag when policies revoked
By Julie Appleby, USA TODAY Denise Wheeler, an artist in Laguna Beach, Calif., thought she and her family had health insurance. So did Tony Seals, a self-employed businessman in nearby Riverside. Across the country in Connecticut, Maria Locker and Linda Gaskill each bought short-term insurance policies to protect themselves against catastrophic costs. But each […]

Freeze due on malpractice cost
By PATRICIA NORRIS Springfield, MA-Medical Professional Mutual Insurance Co., the state’s largest insurer of physicians, surgeons, dentists and nurse midwives, will not increase malpractice insurance rates this year. High malpractice insurance rates have irked practicing physicians, particularly specialists such as obstetricians, neurosurgeons and others considered high risk. High rates are blamed for physician shortages […]

Putting a price on malpractice
By BLYTHE BERNHARD The Orange County Register In Tuesday’s State of the Union address, President Bush said he wants “to protect good doctors from junk lawsuits” through changes in the medical malpractice system. Bush has touted a nationwide cap on malpractice awards for pain and suffering. The cap is modeled after a law that’s […]

Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers: Market Softening Continues in All But Cat-Prone Areas Commercial insurance premiums continued their decline in all but catastrophe-exposed areas during the fourth quarter of 2006, with insurers willing to lower prices and place fewer restrictions on coverage to get new business, according to the latest market survey by The Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers. “There is no underwriting,” a broker from […]

How do doctors behave when some (but not all) of their patients are in managed care? Today, I will review an interesting article by Glied and Zivin (2002) examining how physicians adjust their practice style when the HMO share of patients changes (note: the authors implicitly assume all HMOs pay physicians via capitation). First we will look at the three theoretical models the authors develop. Models 1. Excess capacity model. […]

Practice Patterns In Screening And Management Of Prostate Cancer In Elderly Men Prostate cancer (CaP) screening guidelines are clear about when to initiate screening but only state that it should be discontinued when a man’s life expectancy decreases to less than 10 years. Using these criteria and the fact that a man in his mid-to upper 70s in the United States has a 10-year life expectancy, […]

To North Carolina's health North Carolina, heal thyself. That’s a depressingly fitting admonition in many rural (and some urbanized) parts of the state, where physicians are in short supply. Thanks to the N.C. Institute of Medicine, the legislature has a decent road map for improving the situation. A number of state agencies and health nonprofits have made the […]
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