Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Americans Believe Federal Government in Position to Rectify Growing Number of Uninsured The majority of Americans (86%) believe that the number of poor and uninsured people seeking medical care are raising the nation’s healthcare costs, and one out of three Americans think the federal government is in the best position to solve the problem of the uninsured, according to a national survey of 1,000 consumers released […]

Ex-official joins doctors' legal fight
By BOB OKON Staff writer Illinois doctors have hired Theodore Olson, former solicitor general of the United States, to aid them in a legal showdown over the future of tort reform. As solicitor general for President Bush from 2001 to 2004, Olson supervised government litigation in the U.S. Supreme Court. The Illinois State Medical […]

Vermont Captive Insurance Industry Continues to Expand “Steady and sustained growth,” is how Vermont officials described 2006’s final tally for captive insurance as 37 new captive insurance entities were licensed. New to the nation’s largest captive insurer domicile, include such well-known companies as Starbucks Corp., McGraw-Hill, Principal Financial Group, Ameren and Aegon. According to the Vermont Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities […]

Unpaid doctor bills go public
By MIKE KELLER A recent Mississippi Supreme Court ruling could clear the way to make medical procedures public if patients are late to pay their doctor bills, a lawyer on the case said. “If you don’t pay your doctor’s bill, your medical privilege is waived,” said Frank Russell, a former Tupelo judge who represented […]

Doctors lining up support for liability reform legislation
Nashville Business Journal by Erin Lawley After years of legislative frustration, the Tennessee Medical Association is deploying a new tactic aimed at turning a medical liability reform bill into law. The organization has started an online and mail-in petition targeting supporters of medical liability reform. It plans to gather several thousand signatures and give […]

Medical Malpractice Reform Plan Pays Off for Victims and Health Care Providers An analysis of court settlements of medical malpractice cases in Texas and Florida shows that a reform plan known as “Early Offers” has strong advantages compared to the present tort system. Jeffrey O’Connell, professor of law at the University of Virginia, and colleagues W. Kip Viscusi and Joni Hersch, both now at Vanderbilt University, […]

Should Doctors Working for Hospitals be Immune from Suits if Employed by a Charitable Foundation? An interesting issue relating to medical negligence suits has been percolating in Virginia for a number of years. The issue may need to be decided in the Supreme Court of Virginia in the near future because there is actually a split of the circuit courts within the State on this issue. Several Norfolk and […]

PIAA Disputes Public Citizen Report on Medical Liability System The Physician Insurers Association of America (PIAA), a national trade association that represents doctor-owned and/or operated medical professional liability insurance companies, commented today on a report released last week by Ralph Nader’s national group, Public Citizen. The report, “The Great Medical Malpractice Hoax,â€? suggests that there is no medical malpractice lawsuit crisis in America […]

TennCare treatment rules slammed
By: Katie Allison Granju, Producer Recent changes to TennCare will take treatment decisions away from doctors and put them in the hands of insurance companies, critics say. Doctors now have to provide the “least costly” treatment that is “adequate” for their TennCare patients, under new rules that went into effect last month but will […]
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