Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Data Breach Insurance: Think About It
If you had a chance to read our post yesterday about the top 10 HIPAA violations of 2012, it might have left you feeling a little uneasy. Uneasy, because it happened to every kind of organization (private companies, public health departments, university-based organizations, etc). Uneasy, because it happened to major organizations that should have protocols […]

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick nominated wife of major med-mal lawyer to oversee doctor discipline
Last September, Massachusetts Governor Patrick nominated Kathleen Meyer to fill a Board of Registration in Medicine position that oversees doctor discipline. This of course wouldn’t be an issue a majority of the time, but Kathleen is married to Andrew Meyer. Andrew is one of the state’s leading medical malpractice plaintiff attorneys, and this is seen by […]

Summons, Complaint and Consent – What you Need To Know
Your office manager has just handed you the “Summons and Complaint” that the county sheriff has served on your practice. You look at the name on the summons, and see that one of your longstanding patients is the plaintiff. You are shocked; you’ve never been sued in fifteen years of practice. What do you do […]

Medical Malpractice Insurance Infographic
Our parent company, Cunningham Group, has put together a nice infographic……feel free to share this! Courtesy of: Cunningham Group

Will President Obama’s latest gun changes increase medical malpractice insurance rates?
We had a chance to watch President Obama’s news conference earlier today and it got us thinking. Will the following wording expose physicians to more risks, this is directly from the White House: PRESERVE THE RIGHTS OF HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS TO PROTECT THEIR PATIENTS AND COMMUNITIES FROM GUN VIOLENCE: We should never ask doctors and […]

2012/2013 'Judicial Hellholes' Report Emphasizes Medical Liability Reforms
The American Tort Reform Foundation (ATRF) released its 2012/2013 Judicial Hellholes report last month. The annual release documents abuses of the civil justice system in jurisdictions the pro-tort reform group says are among the most unfair and out-of-balance in the nation. The ATRF is a branch of the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA), an umbrella […]

A French psychiatrist sentenced after patient commits murder
This is a bizarre story in which a court in Marseilles, France has convicted a French psychiatrist, Daniele Cararelli, of manslaughter, b/c her patient committed a murder. Her patient murdered an 80 year old man 20 days after fleeing a consultation with the doctor. The doctor was sentenced to 1 year in prison and ordered […]

Michigan Legislature Passes Two Medical Malpractice Tort Reform Bills
On Dec. 13, 2012, the Michigan Legislature passed two bills pertaining to medical professional liability. Senate Bill 115 caps recoverable non-economic damages at $280,000 and reduces the total amount of future damages to present values at a rate of 5 percent per year, compounded annually, for each year in which those damages accrue. Senate Bill […]
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