Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

MedMal Insurer Expands Product Offering to Meet Changing Physician-Employment Model
note: This article first appeared in the September 2012 issue of the Medical Liability Monitor, the medical professional liability insurance industry’s preeminent newsletter. To subscribe to the Medical Liability Monitor, click here. The United States’ healthcare delivery system continues to be in a state of flux as it braces for 2014, when key provisions of […]

Mississippi Supreme Court Declines to Rule on Non-Economic Damage Caps
On Aug. 23, the Mississippi Supreme Court declined to answer whether the state law that places a $1 million cap on non-economic damages in civil cases is constitutional. Currently considering the appeal of a damage award against Sears Roebuck & Co., the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans asked the Mississippi high […]

Liability Insurance Issues When Adding a New Physician to a Practice
Growth is great in your medical practice. Growing pains are not. The agents at place physician liability insurance coverage for new doctors being added to medical practices on an almost daily basis. And, here are three key points that should always be discussed by both parties when going through this transition. 1. Employee versus […]

Oklahoma Malpractice Claims Frequency at 10-Year Low
The number of medical malpractice cases in Oklahoma has dropped dramatically in the last two years to its lowest point in more than a decade. Many attribute the steep decline in medical malpractice verdicts to 2009 tort reforms that eliminated the state’s system of joint-and-several liability as well as reduced the dollar amount of its […]

New England Journal of Medicine Against Non-Economic Damage Caps
A recent peer-reviewed article in the New England Journal of Medicine makes the argument that non-economic damage caps in medical liability cases are ineffective at controlling the cost of healthcare and ultimately have a negative effect on overall patient safety. The article continues to argue that it is not a lack of non-economic damage caps, […]

3 Things They Don't Teach You About Physician Liability Coverage in Med School
From the beginning of May, until then end of June, the agents at typically have hundreds of physician liability coverage submissions from physicians just out of residency or fellowship. More often than not, most of these newly trained doctors have not been educated about physician liability insurance, an expense they may have to bear […]

Missouri Supreme Court Overturns Damage Cap, Doctors Fear Malpractice Insurance Rates Will Skyrocket
On July 31, the Missouri Supreme Court ruled that the state’s $350,000 cap on non-economic damages in medical malpractice lawsuits is unconstitutional. The non-economic damage cap was passed as part of a series of comprehensive tort reforms passed in 2005 and signed into law by then-Gov. Roy Blunt. Non-economic damage caps bring predictability to a […]

Looking for Med Mal Coverage? Top 6 Things You Need to Know about Cunningham Group
Today let’s keep it simple and talk about why you should feel confident contacting Cunningham Group for your med mal coverage. Here are the Top 6 Things You Need to Know about Cunningham Group: 1. All we do is med mal insurance. At Cunningham Group, we specialize, just like you do. We don’t wear many […]

August 2012: The State of the Liability Market
As summer fades into fall, it would be a good idea to take a brief look at the state of the liability market and provide you with a snapshot on where the market is today. As you know from reading these pages, the liability market is regulated on a state-by-state basis. Frankly, some states have […]
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