Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Oregon Governor Promises Medical Malpractice Tort Reform in 2013
Last year, the Oregon legislature voted to create an Oregon Health Insurance Exchange as called for under the federal Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act. That legislation almost didn’t pass, as lawmakers argued over whether or not medical liability tort reforms, including a cap on non-economic damages, would be part of the new law. The […]

Harvard Study: Electronic Health Records Reduce Malpractice Claims
A recent study conducted by the Harvard School of Medicine and published in the online edition of Archives of Internal Medicine indicates that after a physician practice implements an electronic health record system, the rate of malpractice claims drops to about one-sixth of what it was prior to adopting the technology. The results of the […]

Telemedicine More Common, Cost-Cutting
Telemedicine has been becoming more and more common. There have been patients engaging their healthcare via telephone—a practice commonly referred to as telemedicine—for more than 40 years. The ability to consult a physician remotely has been a literal lifesaver for the nation’s more rural areas. Some in the medical liability industry have questioned the soundness […]

National Med Mal Agent Vs the Local Guy
With the internet, we know that physicians and caregivers have endless opportunities for their medical malpractice coverage –including, deciding between a national med mal agent or a local agent. The following is a brief breakdown as to the benefits of using a national med mal agent. Recently, one of our agents was speaking with a […]

Why Should I Use a Med Mal AGENCY? Top 3 Reasons
A very common question the agents at get is, “Why should I go through you, a med mal agency, to get my medical malpractice coverage? Wouldn’t it be better and/or cheaper if I went directly to a medical malpractice insurance company?” The question is understandable –medical malpractice coverage is a large cost for any […]

Picking a Liability Ins Company: What Should I Look For?
Because of the expense of liability ins, and the crucial role it plays in case you are ever to have a claim, it is important to know about your liability ins company before you select your policy. A.M. Best. When choosing a liability ins company, most experts and physicians will refer to A.M. Best, the […]

How Med Mal Rates Vary by State, County and Specialty
The first thing that a physician or medical care provider will ask us is, “How much is this going to cost me?” We’re speaking of the med mal rates for coverage, of course. The cost of med mal coverage is a very big part of a practice and it is important to know how the […]

Part I: Standard Medical Professional Liability Insurers Enter RRG Game: Leverage Extensive Industry Experience, Reinsure Risks Via Parent Company
Editor’s note: Today’s blogpost is the first of a two-part serieson standard medical professional liability insurance companies entering the risk retention group market. The article the two-part series originates from was initially published in the July 2012 issue of Medical Liability Monitor, the industry’s premier source for consistent, reliable coverage and fresh perspectives on medical […]

Poll Shows Georgia Doctors Favor New Medical Malpractice System
Patients for Fair Compensation recently conducted a poll of 330 Georgia physicians on whether they would support the creation of a new Patient Compensation System in cases of medical malpractice. According to the survey, 96 percent of Georgia doctors polled agreed a new system would reduce healthcare costs, and 95 percent said they would support […]
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