Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Missouri Supreme Court Considering Non-Economic Damage Caps in Medical Malpractice Cases
The cost of Missouri medical malpractice insurance is at stake as the state’s supreme court is considering whether or not its non-economic damage cap is constitutional. Those opposed to the non-economic damage cap say that it deprives plaintiffs of their due process in the courts as well as due compensation; defenders of the non-economic damage […]

Electronic Health Records Decrease Medical Malpractice Claims
A new study by the Harvard Medical School indicates that electronic health records will reduce the number of medical malpractice lawsuits. The findings of the study, titled “The relationship Between Electronic Health Records and Malpractice Claims,” were recently published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. According to the findings, 84 percent of study participating physicians—who […]

New Hampshire Legislature Overrides Veto of Medical Malpractice Reform
Yesterday, the New Hampshire Legislature overrode a veto by Gov. John Lynch to pass a first-of-its-kind, early offer medical malpractice reform. reported on the veto earlier this week. Under the new bill, New Hampshire physicians and hospitals will be able to make an “early offer” of compensation to victims of unintended medical outcomes. If […]

New Virginia Fetal Wrongful Death Law Opens New Avenues of Medical Liability
A press release distributed by the plaintiff’s attorneys Kearney, Freeman, Fogarty & Joshi, PLLC, just crossed my desk. In it, the plaintiff’s attorneys are advertising a new law in the state of Virginia that expands medical liability in cases where there is the wrongful death of a fetus. The press release concludes with: “Now, expectant […]

New Hampshire Gov. Vetoes Early Offer Medical Malpractice Bill
On June 20, New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch vetoed a bill that would have established an “Early Offer” program for dealing with medical malpractice claims. New Hampshire would have been the first state to establish such a program. Under the vetoed Early Offer bill, after filing a claim of medical malpractice against a doctor or […]

Pennsylvania Supreme Court to Rule on Medical Malpractice Jury Instructions
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is set to hear a case that will have a significant impact on how medical malpractice lawsuits are handled in the Commonwealth. At the heart of the case is whether a jury should be instructed that an “error in judgment” does not constitute negligence/medical malpractice. In the case being heard by […]

California Medical Liability Insurance Rates Reduced Again
On June 11, the California Department of Insurance announced that it was flexing its rate regulation authority by mandating the state’s largest insurer of medical liability decrease its California medical malpractice insurance rates by an average of 10 percent. The Doctors Company now joins MIEC, MedPro, NORCAL Mutual, The Dentists Insurance Company and NCMIC in […]

Now We've Seen it All in Med Mal
We here at have seen a lot regarding med mal. As leaders and experts in the field, there is little that takes us by surprise. But, today we are going to go a little lighter on the content to discuss two news stories that raised our eyebrows recently. First, did you know that there […]

Part II: 2012 PIAA Medical Liability Conference Focuses on MPL's Role in Changing Healthcare
Editor’s note: Today’s blogpost is the second in a two-part series reporting on the 2012 Physician Insurer Association of America (PIAA) Medical Liability Conference, which was held May 9 – 12 at the JW Marriott in Washington, D.C. The article it originates from was initially published in the June 2012 issue of Medical Liability Monitor, […]
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