Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Number of Pennsylvania Medical Malpractice Claims Continues to Drop
According to a new report from the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, the number of reported Pennsylvania medical malpractice claims in 2011 is at least 40 percent lower from the state’s high water mark of 2000 to 2002. This is the fourth consecutive year that the number of claims has been at least 40 percent […]

Should You Consider Data Breach Insurance?
We have written a lot here about technology and how it can make your practice more efficient and yet also make it more vulnerable. Technology is no longer just electronic medical records. As physicians and other health care providers come to reply on portable electronic devices more and more to run their practice and take […]

ACI to Host Obstetric Malpractice Forum in June
Sidenote: This announcement is from the American Conference Institute and our media partner, Medical Liability Monitor. If you would like to subscribe to Medical Liability Monitor, please click here. On June 27-28, the American Conference Institute (ACI) will be hosting its 11th Annual Advanced Forum on Obstetric Malpractice at the Union League of Philadelphia, which […]

Study Questions Texas Medical Malpractice Tort Reforms
A new study of call into question the commonly held belief that Texas’s 2003 tort reform not only lowered medical malpractice insurance premiums, but also attracted an influx of doctors to serve the state’s more rural patients The 2003 Texas tort reforms are legendary in medical malpractice insurance circles. At the heart of the reforms […]

Recent Changes to the New York Med Mal Ins Market
Although it’s one of the largest states from the med mal ins premium point of view, New York can be a very frustrating state when looking for med mal ins. Doctors have limited choices for New York med mal ins and the state needs to see some reform in order to have a more competitive […]

Professor Argues Against Massachusetts Apology Approach
Last month, the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS), joined by six healthcare organizations, announced the launch of a new initiative to improve the commonwealth’s medical liability system. The new alliance collectively created what it refers to as the Roadmap to Reform, an alternative approach to medical liability rooted in the process of Disclosure, Apology and Offer […]

More than Half of All Medical Malpractice Indemnity Payments Were Made by Six States
A recently released study of all medical malpractice payments made in 2011 indicates that six states accounted for more than half of all medical malpractice indemnifications. The analyzed data came from the National Practitioner Data Bank That is an astonishing statistic. Which six states accounted for more than half of all medical malpractice indemnity payments […]

Want to Reduce Your Professional Liability?
Are you a professional liability insurance client of ours? If you are, have you taken the time to view our Patient Satisfaction Survey System yet? If not, it may be one of the smartest things you do to help minimize your professional liability exposure. Study after study has shown that the higher patient satisfaction is, […]

Massachusetts Hopes Apology Approach Will Reduce Medical Malpractice Insurance Premiums
Last week, the Massachusetts Medical Society announced that six of its top healthcare organizations would be launching a new initiative aimed at improving the commonwealth’s medical liability system and lowering the cost of medical malpractice insurance premiums. The new initiative is titled, “Roadmap to Reform,” and it is based on the Disclosure, Apology and Offer […]
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