Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Utah Decision Threatens to Raise Medical Malpractice Insurance Rates
The Supreme Court of Utah just opened a giant can of worms in regard to medical professional liability. And those worms could be a harbinger of rising medical malpractice insurance rates for the state’s physician and surgeon communities. On Feb. 28, the Utah Supreme Court ruled that healthcare providers have a duty to consider how […]

Poor Patients Sue for Med Mal Less Often
I recently read about a study on that reviewed a study published in Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. The study aimed at investigating a long-held belief by many physicians that poor patients are more likely to sue their physicians for med mal. The study looked at med mal data, including med mal claims and […]

James Woods, University of Michigan Agree: Apology in Medicine Saves Medical Malpractice Expenses
James Woods recently testified before the Rhode Island General Assembly in favor of apology-in-medicine legislation. That’s right, the acclaimed American film, stage and television actor extraordinaire is a proponent of apology in medicine. Apology in medicine in not a new concept, but in the context of medical adverse events and unanticipated outcomes, an apology has […]

Does Your Med Mal Policy Cover Procedures Outside Your Specialty?
I recently read an article in the New York Times, entitled, “Ear Doctors Performing Face-Lifts? It Happens.” I can’t believe that we haven’t come across this topic sooner in our discussions here of med mal. With insurance reimbursement rates going down, down, down, it is no surprise that physicians are branching out and finding more […]

Most FAQs Regarding Doctor Liability Coverage, Part 4
This is the fourth post in our series addressing the most frequently asked questions regarding doctor liability coverage that we hear at In our final installment, we will answer: How long does it take to process my doctor liability coverage and what do I need? First, we always recommend that our clients apply for […]

Maryland Hospitals Recommend Medical Malpractice Lawyers to Patients
I just finished reading an article titled, “Malpractice Lawyer Recommendations Come from Unlikely Source: Hospitals.” In the article, the journalist recounts the case of Ada George’s thyroid treatment gone wrong in a Maryland hospital. During the course of treatment, the woman was brain damaged and is currently comatose. The hospital apologized and offered compensation twice. […]

Most FAQs Regarding Doctor Liability Coverage, Part 3
This is the third installment in our series answering the most frequently asked questions regarding doctor liability coverage. In this post we will answer the following questions: 1. How do I pay for my doctor liability coverage? Is it in a lump sum? Can I make installments? Are there third-party finance options? It depends. All […]

Most FAQs Regarding Doctor Liability Coverage, Part 2
We recently started a new series on the blog where we answer our doctors’ most frequently asked questions regarding doctor liability coverage. While we face many different kinds of questions every day, there are a handful that are repeatedly asked by almost all of our clients. So, today we would like to answer two more […]

Tips for a Stress Free Med Mal Policy Renewal
We know that your med mal policy renewal is not a favorite topic of physicians or something that they want to spend any more time than they have to thinking about. But, today we would like to talk about tips for a stress free med mal policy renewal. Because it is one of a physician’s […]
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