Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Computer with Information on 4 Million Patients Stolen in California
side note: Today’s healthcare industry is increasingly dependent on computers and data sharing via the internet or an intranet system. Add to this the increasingly common use of social networking services, like Facebook, as a means of marketing a medical practice to potential patient customers. This evolution toward cyber-dependency has been accelerated by the Patient […]

James Madison Institute Recommends New Patient Compensation System to bring down Florida Healthcare Costs
side note: The report discussed in this article was published by the James Madison Institute (JMI), a Florida-based think tank dedicated to dedicated to advancing the ideas of limited government, economic freedom, federalism and individual liberty coupled with individual responsibility. The JMI report argues that the current medical liability tort system is ineffective, costly and […]

Is a Claims-made Slot Policy for You?
Throughout a normal business day I probably explain the difference between a claims-made physician liability policy and an occurrence physician liability policy at least a dozen times. Most physicians will only qualify for one policy or the other. But, as the practice of medicine continues to evolve, new options become available and are worth knowing […]

Insurance Reform Needed to Lower New York Doctors' Medical Malpractice Rates, California Consumer Watchdog Testifies
side note: California has long been on the cutting edge of medical liability tort reform. It was the first state in the nation to institute a cap on non-economic damages with the 1975 Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA) of 1975. The cap helped California stabilize liability costs, particularly for specialty and high-risk services such […]

Missouri Malpractice Insurance Premiums Threatened by Court Case
side note: Medical malpractice insurance premiums are threatened by a case before the Missouri Supreme Court. The state’s high court is currently considering the constitutionality of Missouri’s $1.2 million cap on non-economic, pain-and-suffering damages in medical malpractice cases. In the case being considered, the plaintiff’s estate was awarded $1 million for past medical bills and […]

Voters Protect PCF, Louisiana Medical Malpractice Insurance
side note: The Louisiana Medical Society took heed from the woes of states like Wisconsin and New Hampshire. Both state governments raided their Patient Compensation Fund as a way of balancing their budgets. Both states’ medical societies fought the move in court; both medical societies came out winners. While both PCFs were eventually given their […]

Cato Institute Slams Caps on Medical Malpractice Damages
side note: I find this article interesting for two reasons: 1. Caps on non-economic damages have proven to reduce medical malpractice insurance premiums in states that have them and a federal cap 0n non-economic damages has long been championed as the solution to skyrocketing healthcare costs by the Republican Party; 2. Applying a one-size-fits-all federal […]

Indiana Medical Malpractice Insurance Rates Threatened by Courts
side note: Since 1975, capping non-economic (pain and suffering) damages in medical malpractice lawsuits has been considered the Gold Standard of effective tort reforms. There is gobs of data supporting the conclusion that state’s with non-economic damage caps have considerably lower medical malpractice insurance premiums than states of a comparable size and demographic that do […]
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