Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Medical Malpractice: Hospital vs. Outpatient Settings
Side Note: Wouldn’t you think that a physician who practices in a hospital would be more likely to a face medical liability that leads to a medical malpractice lawsuit than a physician who practices in an outpatient setting? Doesn’t it seem “safer” for a physician to practice in an office setting? Strangely enough, it’s not. […]

Surgical Errors & Med Mal: What Else Can Be Done?
Side Note: Wrong-site, wrong-person surgeries are totally preventable –in theory. What we are finding is that despite “universal protocols,” and massive education efforts, major, even deadly, surgical errors are still occurring in alarming numbers. What are we learning about this physician liability? In 2006, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality requested that a study […]

CDC Releases New Outpatient Safety Checklist
side note: This is valuable news, and I’d recommend any physician who works in an outpatient setting review the guidelines discussed in the article below. The single best way to avoid significant increases in your medical malpractice insurance premiums is to practice effective risk management. It’s been shown time and time again that physicians with […]

Myths about Medical Malpractice: Crisis or Hoax?
side note: This is the second part to Mahar’s ongoing look at the condition of the United States’ medical professional liability environment. It’s a lengthy examination, but well worth taking the time to read. By MAGGIE MAHAR Conservatives call it the “malpractice crisis.” Public Citizen, a liberal non-profit consumer organization based in Washington D.C., calls […]

Japan mulls automatic redress plan for victims of medical malpractice
side note: Obviously, this is not a solution to the United States’ medical malpractice issues, but it does illuminate how other countries are struggling with medical professional liability issues. What is interesting — and similar to a new plan launched in New York State — is the compensation fund for neurologically impaired infants that Japan […]

Pennsylvania Gov. Corbett Signs ‘Fair Share Act,’ Ends Practice of Joint-And-Several Liability
side note: Always a complicated market for medical malpractice insurance, Pennsylvania Gov. Corbett ends joint-and-several liability with the signing of the Fair Share Act.. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett recently signed into law Senate Bill 1131, better known as the “Fair Share Act,’’ which reforms how damages are recovered in civil lawsuits, ensuring an equitable framework […]

Report on Malpractice Errors in Obstetrical Care Provides Road Map for Enhanced Patient Safety
side note: The article below by CRICO Strategies—a patient safety and medical malpractice company owned-by and serving the Harvard medical community since 1976—attempts to unravel the events leading up to an obstetric claim of medical malpractice. What CRICO found was that OB malpractice issues are rarely the result of a single act or omission by […]

Surgical Malpractice Lawsuits in Texas Decrease 80% After 2003 Tort Reforms
side note: California’s MICRA Act has been considered the gold standard of tort reform since 1975, but Texas’ 2003 medical liability tort reforms built on California’s law and upped the ante. And the results have been amazing. The article below purports that in the wake of the Lone Star State’s 2003 reforms, the number of […]

Hot Coffee: Two Views on Tort Reform
side note: I have yet to see the new documentary “Hot Coffee,” but have read enough of the press surrounding it to know it is making a significant impact. This blog post from may be heavy handed with its own bias, but it does illustrate why people have such a visceral reaction to tort […]
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