Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Illinois Supreme Court Considers Pattern Jury Instruction for Medical Malpractice Cases
side note: Could this be a judicial “make good”? After neutering the majority of Illinois’ medical malpractice tort reforms when it deemed the state’s cap on non-economic damages unconstitutional two years ago, Illinois’ highest court more clearly defined the role of expert testimony in medical professional liability lawsuits this month. The question is whether this […]

New Jersey Judges can reduce Jury verdicts based upon the “Feel of the Case”
side note: Wow. This is a new wrinkle in the New Jersey judicial system. For the longest time, the argument against caps on non-economic damages was that they violated a plaintiff’s right to a jury trial, where the jury decides compensation. Here, a judge can invalidate or adjust a medical malpractice jury verdict simply on […]

Ohio Court Rules Statute of Repose Portion of 2003 Medical Malpractice Tort Reform Unconstitutional
side note: This is a ruling that could have significant impact on the cost of medical liability insurance in Ohio. In this case, an appellate court found that the state’s statute of repose was unconstitutional. Like a statute of limitations, a statute of repose imposes a deadline for filing a claim. In Ohio, the statute […]

Medical Malpractice Insurers Face Uncertainty, Specialized Insurance Products Offer Profit Potential
side note: It comes as no surprise to hear that the United States’ healthcare system — which includes medical professional liability insurance companies — is facing unprecedented change, as both the government and private sectors try to reign in escalating medical costs that far outpace inflation. What should be interesting to the MPLI industry is […]

Judge-Directed Negotiations Expedite Malpractice Cases
side note: Here is a fantastic example of a successful medical malpractice program funded by the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act. The pilot program is intended to streamline medical professional liability court cases. In a “judge-directed negotiation,” a judge with medical liability experience helps broker a settlement satisfactory to both parties, while cutting down […]

South Carolina Supreme Court Upholds Two-Tiered Damages Cap
side note: Below is a South Carolina Supreme Court case that has implications that exceed the two motorcyclists injured. At the heart of this case is whether South Carolina’s two-tier statutory cap on damages is constitutional. Under the two-tier system, state-employed physicians and dentists are only liable for $1.2 per person and per occurrence; for […]

Pennsylvania Med Mal Cases Down
Side Note: The state of Pennsylvania is currently reaping the benefits of some terrific med mal tort reform that went into effect in 2002. The Pennsylvania med mal reform, aimed at reducing the number of frivolous lawsuits that make it to court, is working. According to the article, since 2002, the number of Pennsylvania med […]

7 Secrets Your Medical Malpractice Insurance Broker Won't Tell You
In an attempt to help Physicians and Healthcare Professionals get the lowest price for their medical malpractice insurance, we have published the following: 7 Secrets Your Medical Malpractice Insurance Broker Won’t Tell You Learn some insider info and learn how to save money. We want you to be armed with the most information you can, […]

Smart Caps –Smart Idea?
Side Note: As we all know, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) did not have a whole lot of med mal reform in it. The very thoughtful paper below discusses at length the many issues related to health care reform and med mal reform. We here at are not sure that we […]
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