Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Report Ranks States on Need for Medical Malpractice Reform
side note: The U.S. Index of Health Ownership, published by PRI, will not be updated in full for 2010, but there is a 2010 U.S. Tort Liability Index. The Tort Index includes 42 variables divided into inputs and outputs. The top states in inputs are Oklahoma, Texas, and Ohio. Top in outputs are Alaska, Hawaii, […]

Research May Help Prove Expert-Witness Bias in Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
Side note: A new study could shed light on the role of paid expert witnesses in medical malpractice lawsuits. The study tested a group of 31 radiologists to see if they came to the same conclusion on a CT scan as four paid expert witnesses. Not one of the 31 doctors were able to see […]

Medical malpractice insurance bill clears House subpanel
Side Note: this article from The Hill reports on a bill currently in Congress, aimed at subsidizing malpractice insurance costs for physicians volunteering at community health centers. Currently, the high liability insurance cost of volunteering makes it essentially impossible for most physicians to volunteer, though many would like to. This bill would allow physicians to […]

Court says Wis. must repay malpractice fund $200M
Side Note: The Wisconsin Supreme Court has found that the state must repay $200M that it took out of the state patient compensation fund for malpractice. This is a victory for the Wisconsin Medical Association, and for health care consumers in Wisconsin. A solvent patient compensation fund keeps medical malpractice insurance premiums stable, and in […]

Ninety Percent of Doctors Practice Defensive Medicine to Avoid Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
Side note: Yet more proof that defensive medicine is costing our health care system big bucks. According to a survey from the Archives of Internal Medicine, 90% of doctors say they order more tests because of fear of medical malpractice lawsuits. With the annual cost of defensive medicine estimated to be $60 billion, reform has […]

Malpractice insurer holds line on rates again
Side Note: ISMIE is the largest malpractice insurer in Illinois, and the Cunningham Group is pleased to see that its rates have held steady. However, we share Dr. Jensen’s apprehension, considering that the results of the Illinois Supreme Court ruling early this year have yet to be seen. Physicians who want to be sure that malpractice […]

Senator Coburn and Barrasso release Obamacare report
This report, titled “Bad Medicine: A Check-Up On The New Federal Health Law” takes a look at the implementation of Obamacare after 100 days since it was passed. We here at were not too pleased with the final version of this bill, mainly because it didn’t include decent Tort Reform legislation that would help […]

New York – First Medical Malpractice Insurance Rate Increase In Three Years Only 5%
Side Note: After three years without an increase, New York malpractice insurance rates have been increased an average of 5% this year. Though this is a manageable increase, New York is still a hostile legal climate for doctors. New York physicians should advocate for tort reform in their state, so that premiums do not increase more. […]

Electronic Medical records could give rise to more medical malpractice risk
side note: Medical malpractice tied to electronic health records is likely to see a boom in the coming years as the Affordable Healthcare Act, which mandates EHR usage, takes hold. It should be interesting. Electronic health record (EHR) systems will likely soon become a fixture in medical settings. Advocates claim they will reduce healthcare costs […]
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