Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Local Orthopaedic Practice Uses Stem Cells to Alleviate Knee Pain
DURHAM, N.C A clinical trial involving the use of stem cells to repair a torn meniscus (cartilage in the knee) is now being tested at Triangle Orthopaedic Associates, the Triangle’s premier orthopaedic practice. Triangle Orthopaedics is currently evaluating Chondrogen, a stem cell solution developed by Baltimore-based Osiris Therapeutics, Inc. for treating this common knee […]

Cost of malpractice insurance is driving docs out of business New York state physicians are facing a dire situation that is likely to get worse on July 1. That’s when the state superintendent of insurance is expected to announce a record high double-digit increase in medical liability insurance rates. Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Co., which provides the insurance for 70 percent of physicians practicing […]

Focused Physicians targets independent practices
By Sandy Clark Springfield Business Journal Contributor For Donald M. Tucker, president and CEO of Focused Physicians LLC, success is tied directly to the viability of his clients’ practices. Tucker’s company provides back-office services to doctors such as accounts receivable, accounts payable, human resources, contract negotiations and new practice setup and evaluations. “We do […]

Red tape, low pay drive out docs
Dr. Alexander Strasser Guest essayist One seldom hears physicians express satisfaction in the way medicine is practiced. Why? What has changed over the past 10 to 15 years? Doctors used to be self-employed. They worked for their patients and if they did a good job, they prospered. Now most physicians are employed. Yes, they […]

Dr. Frank Basile, Joins Diabetes America as CEO and President Diabetes America (DA), the premiere network of diabetes care and management clinics based in Houston, Texas, and on the web at, announced today that Dr. Frank Basile, is joining the company as its new CEO and President. Dr. Basile joins DA with a strong background in both patient care and executive level healthcare […]

FPs Can Take Steps to Cut Paperwork, Costs
By Leslie Champlin Diversity may be good in many circumstances. But in issues related to health care administration — such as credentialing requirements, health plan contracts, coverage, copayments and deductibles, and prior authorizations within and among insurance plans — can be crippling. According to the Medical Group Management Association, or MGMA, the annual cost […]

Burdens on primary care doctors The state law requiring all residents to have health insurance will, if successful, take a huge burden off the state’s emergency rooms, cutting down the high costs of that service, but it will put much of that burden on the state’s already over-extended primary care physicians. These physicians are the critical component of preventive […]

Fewer doctors going it alone
By GUY BOULTON There’s a good chance that your doctor works for a health care system – and there could be an even better chance of that in the coming years. The health care systems in the Milwaukee area are all vying to put more doctors on their payroll. The systems long have employed […]

Grants aim to cure exodus of doctors
By Kate Moran staff writer Mordecai Potash was paying down his medical school debt by picking up evening shifts at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in downtown New Orleans — before Hurricane Katrina destroyed it. But Potash’s student loans survived the storm just fine. Doctors like Potash who earned solid — and often enviable […]
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