Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

New breed of physician treats patients only in hospitals
By AMY LAWSON Norwich Bulletin The walls of Dr. Jennifer Bellino’s office are somewhat bare. Except for a few children’s drawings tacked up on a corkboard, a desk and a computer, most people probably wouldn’t even know it’s an office. But the stark white walls aren’t disconcerting to Bellino’s patients, mostly because they never […]

Med-Mal Survey
This survey was developed by a physician to collect information regarding your opinions of the current medical malpractice industry and how a new company might be developed to better serve your needs. It is 13 questions long and should take between 7 and 15 minutes of your time. There are some demongraphic questions after the […]

Beautiful bottom line for plastic surgeons
By Tracie Darnell, Jaclyn Keenan and Brigid Sweeney Medill News Service Front While the income of most physicians is shrinking under insurance pressures, one medical specialty — largely free from reimbursement hassles — is enjoying a gusher of riches. Plastic surgery, once perceived as the frivolous domain of society matrons and Hollywood divas, has become […]

Malpractice law benefits patients, doctors
By Dr. William Cast The article “Monitoring malpracticeâ€? (April 8) and editorial “Malpractice law worksâ€? (April 10) were a timely reminder of the importance of Indiana’s malpractice law. I’d like to address some important points not covered in the article that lie at the heart of a law that is in fact a compromise, […]

No more assembly-line medicine
Steve Berberich Dr. Robert Fields proudly displays a framed copy of the letter he sent to Mid Atlantic Medical Services LLC — MAMSI — and to Aetna, CareFirst and other insurers on Aug. 27, 2003, the day he opened his retainer practice, telling them he would no longer accept insurance. Fields said in his […]

Malpractice suits pay out over $150m More than $150 million was paid out last year to Australian patients and their families who sued their doctors for malpractice following injury or death. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) released a report on Thursday into medical indemnity insurance that found about 2500 claims were made against doctors in 2005-06. The figure […]

U.S. states are making it easier for doctors to say, ‘I’m sorry’ when something goes wrong
The Associated Press The problem was obvious to anyone who looked at the middle-aged woman: After surgery to correct a drooping eyelid, her eyelid was too high. After a second operation, it was too low. Dr. Michael Migliori had the delicate task of telling the woman she needed a third operation. He began with […]

Outspoken Physician Urges Americans to Learn How to Diffuse Their Own Medical Time Bombs Dr. Corso explains why, thousands of people die, in the prime of life, from easily preventable causes, and how readers can avoid becoming one of them. Everyone knows someone who died in their 50’s or 60’s from a medical ticking time bomb, they simply did not detect. Dr. Corso is an amazing guest who […]

"Virtual Surgery" Soon a Reality Says Emory Physician in Nature Clinical Practice Journal Virtual reality (VR) simulators should be used to teach doctors new skills and will soon become a standard tool for medical training and surgical procedures, an Emory physician says in the April edition of Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine. “This approach has great potential to allow inexperienced physicians to acquire meaningful new procedural skills… […]
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