Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

More and more, doctors are out
By HENRY L. DAVIS News Medical Reporter The Buffalo Niagara region experienced a 10% loss in the number of physicians over a four-year period as the need continues to rise The Buffalo Niagara region lost 10 percent of its doctors from 2001 to 2005, the largest drop in the state and the continuation of […]

On Medical Liability Reform – the People Have Spoken
by Curt Mercadante It’s been two years since the Illinois voter uprising that forced the Illinois legislature – and governor – to enact medical liability reform legislation. Yet the full positive impact of those reforms has yet to be felt – due to uncertainty pending the trial lawyers’ challenge of the measure’s constitutionality in […]

Incentive toward quality, or question of ethics?
By HINA ALAM The Lufkin Daily News As Woodland Heights Medical Center considers allowing doctors to hold shares in the hospital, its not-for-profit competitor has raised a number of ethical questions. Woodland Heights CEO Lance Jones said that while hospital authorities, trustees and board of directors were still considering the idea, the focus of the […]

Pathology, the course that separates the physicians from the non-physicians
Drnjbmd Our biggest and grandest course during my second year of medical school was Pathology. It was a year-long course that featured a mega-load of the things that physicians would spend the rest of their professional lives, dealing with. Our first semester consisted of Systemic Pathology and covered topics like Infection, Malignancy, Necrosis, Inflammation […]

Getting on the patient's team
Anne Krishnan, Staff Writer Matt Person has a vision for health care. He imagines a family doctor referring patients for counseling or acupuncture simply by walking them next door. Cardiologists and nutritionists would cross paths daily. Physical therapists and personal trainers would help patients transition from rehabilitation to getting in shape. Person and business […]

Doyle proposes $30M plan to convert to electronic medical records
By RYAN J. FOLEY | Associated Press Writer MADISON, WI — Gov. Jim Doyle said Thursday that he would ask lawmakers to approve a $30 million program to encourage health care providers to install electronic medical records systems. Doyle proposed a $20 million grant program to help nonprofit organizations transition from less reliable paper […]

Mammogram rate drops slightly in United States A slight drop in the rate of women getting mammograms in the United States is worrying, and might suggest it is becoming difficult to get one, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Thursday. CDC researchers found that while 76.4 percent of women over 40 got mammograms in 2000, just 74.6 percent […]

Health Care Marketplace | American College of Physicians Proposes Primary Care Physician Payment Increases The American College of Physicians on Monday proposed revisions to the U.S. health care system that would pay primary care physicians based on their coordination of care for patients, CQ HealthBeat reports. Under the proposal, to qualify for “patient-centered care” payments, physician practices would have to show an accrediting organization that they have systems […]

Assessing Doctors at Work — Progress and Challenges
Daniel Klass, M.D., C.M. The New England Journal of Medicine A fair amount of scrutiny has been given recently to the assessment of medical students’ competence before they enter practice. In this issue of the Journal, Epstein provides a timely summary of advances in this arena.1 In contrast, little attention has been paid to […]
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