Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

AMA and AAOS to conduct Physician Practice Information Survey The American Medical Association (AMA), with the support of the AAOS and more than 60 other medical specialty societies, will be conducting a multi-specialty survey of America’s physician practices this year. The purpose of the survey is to collect up-to-date information on physician practice characteristics and professional practice expenses from virtually all physician specialties […]

More than 25,000 Surveys Show Patients Very Satisfied With Their Doctors’ Care; After-Hours Advice and Patient Follow-Up are Key Opportunities for Improvement
PRNewswire Patients nationwide generally are very satisfied with the care they receive from their physicians, according to a year-end analysis of more than 25,000 surveys compiled by the online site Almost half of the surveys gave the doctors scores of 10-extremely satisfied. Two-thirds gave ratings of 8, 9 or 10, meaning the patients were […]

Two heads are better than one: Multi-physician practices improve heart patients' outcomes Although single-physician practices still are dominant in the United States, multi-physician practices tend to provide better care for people who suffer heart attacks. Heart attack patients receive less-timely treatment and have worse chances of survival if they are treated by solo physicians rather than physicians from larger practices, according to a new study authored […]

Guest commentary: For doctors, patients, malpractice trials should change
Scott Ross, M.D. Recently one of my patients asked me for some personal advice — on whether the patient should terminate a relationship with another physician. The doctor was in the midst of a nasty malpractice case, one publicized in the Daily News. Although it may not be a matter of the case being […]

High costs send patients overseas for medical, dental care
By KAREN GARLOCH McClatchy Newspapers Patients in the United States travel to Duke University, Johns Hopkins or the Mayo Clinic for medical care. Today some venture even farther — to far-flung places such as Costa Rica, Thailand, India and Singapore. Last year, an estimated half-million Americans traveled overseas for medical treatment. It’s a growing trend […]

Starting the new year with our priorities set realistically
From the AMA. By William G. Plested III, MD A message to all physicians from AMA President William G. Plested III, MD. The new year is upon us and brings excitement and hope for new beginnings in all of our endeavors. It is time to review our gains and losses in 2006, and to set […]

Crist sets stage for insurance rate cuts
By STEVE Bousquet Using the same populist rhetoric that got him elected, Gov. Charlie Crist has defined success and failure for next week’s special legislative session on property insurance. Crist’s call for lower premiums could be seen as the kind of “bumper sticker solution” that brought criticism from his campaign rivals. But by prodding […]

Some doctors encouraged by new malpractice panel
BY BRIAN BRUEGGEMANN News-Democrat Madison County Chief Judge Ann Callis has appointed three fellow judges to serve on a new committee that will meet with doctors and study medical malpractice issues. “These judges are willing to go out into the community and talk to doctors, medical professionals and lawyers, to have a real dialogue on […]

Merger protects OB/GYN care
Doctors’ defect from Shore thwarted By Deborah Gates Staff Writer Last week’s buyout of Eastern Shore Obstetrics & Gynecology by Three Lower Counties Community Services erases medical bills by several hundred dollars for Medicare patients and more than a half-million dollars for their physicians at the Phillip Morris Drive private practice that merged, effective Jan. […]
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