Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Race Impacts Professional Lives Of Physicians Of African Descent A new study by researchers at Yale School of Medicine offers a unique and detailed view of race and discrimination in the health care workplace and the negative impact on job satisfaction, career advancement and minority physician retention. Published in the January 2 Annals of Internal Medicine, the study explored the role of race […]

Congress Rejects Big Cut In Medicare Payment
Mark Moran Because of congressional action, payment for psychiatrists will drop on average by just 2 percent instead of 7 percent. Other specialties will still be experiencing greater cuts in payment even after the action by Congress. An 11th-hour intervention by Congress averted a scheduled 5 percent across-the-board reduction in reimbursement for physicians and […]

Bend medical practice values patients time, restores quality patient-doctor relationship
by Bend Weekly News Sources Bachelor Butte Internal Medicine, located on Bend’s Westside, is a medical practice that puts many common complaints of doctors’ appointments to rest and improves the patient-doctor relationship. Many of the common reasons patients dislike visiting a doctor’s office are related to how they must spend their time waiting. At […]

Twenty Clinical Innovations to Build Patient-Doctor Trust: Sixteenth in a Series by Richard L. Reece, MD A doctor reader recently responded to one of my blogs, where I spoke of medicine as a market-driven enterprise that must respond to consumers. I used the success of retail-clinics as one example. The reader commented, “Health care is not a traditional market because the consumer feedbacks can take […]

Would MSA Encourage Electronic Medical Records (EMR)? Part 1
Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE Physicians have been slow to adopt Electronic Medical Records (EMR) even though most physicians are computer savvy. There are reasons for physicians to be slow adoptors. They are told that the EMR will increase their quality of care. However, quality of care has not been adequately defined by those who proclaim […]

Who benefits from medical malpractice caps
MARY ANN DUTTON Staff Writer The Third Circuit State Court of Appeals recently challenged the $500,000 cap Louisiana put on medical malpractice damage awards in 1975. The Court said the cap violates the state constitution by robbing patients of their right to an adequate legal solution for their injuries. Sulphur Attorney Oliver Jackson Schrumpf […]

Session opens with flurry of new bills
By Keith M. Phaneuf, Journal Inquirer HARTFORD – The 2007 General Assembly session opened Wednesday with its usual flurry of activity, with more than 200 new bills referred to various committees. Not surprisingly, included among them were dozens of health insurance-related measures. Legislative leaders and rank-and-file lawmakers spent much of the past fall campaigning […]

Insurers want 2nd opinion before scans
By David Phelps, Star Tribune Worried about the rising number of CT scans, MRIs and other high-tech imaging procedures showing up on medical bills, Minnesota’s largest insurers now want doctors to get permission from a third-party evaluator before ordering such procedures for their patients. As medical imaging centers and expensive machines proliferate, insurers say […]

Is there a doctor in the house? Study says not likely Despite recent gains in the number of physicians practicing in Arizona , the state is likely to face a persistent physician shortage for years to come, particularly in rural areas. A report completed recently by ASU’s Center for Health & Information Research (CHIR) found the physician-to-population ratio improving, but it also shows that an […]
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