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Healthvision Expands Its Healthcare Information Exchange (HIE) Interoperability With Sixth Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Partnership
Healthvision to Interoperate with CCHIT Certified Misys EMR application Healthvision, a leading healthcare information technology (HIT) solutions provider, today announced a sixth application partner with their e-Health Interoperability Exchange Partnership Program, with the addition of the Misys EMR product. Healthvision’s e-Health Interoperability Exchange Partnership program certifies that partner health IT applications, including EHR, EMR […]

High Volume Multi-Specialty Physician Practice, Grove Hill Medical Center, Implements SRS Software’s Digital Chart Management Solution SRS Software universally deployable for 70 physicians in 18 specialties Celebrating its 60th year serving the population of central Connecticut, Grove Hill Medical Center, P.C., is bringing the benefits of award-winning SRS Chart Managerâ„¢ to its doctors, staff and patients. As one of the largest independent multi-specialty health care organizations in New England, Grove […]

Nominate your favorite physician for a MAFP award Do you have an outstanding, caring physician in your community that deserves the title “Missouri Family Physician of the Year?” The Missouri Academy of Family Physicians is now seeking nominations for for the award to be presented June 9, 2007, during MAFP’s annual banquet meeting in Lake Ozark. Nominations may be made by the […]

Program turning out more country doctors for state
DAVE PARKS News staff writer Dr. Drake Lavender wears many stethoscopes as a family physician practicing medicine in rural Alabama. He sees 15 to 20 patients a day at the Pickens County Family Practice Center in Gordo, then heads over to the Pickens County Medical Center in Carrollton, where he makes rounds, helps staff […]

Is there a doctor in the house?(Probably not)*Crippling malpractice insurance costs drive physicians away, stifle recruitment
By Carl Hamilton A doctor shortage continues to hamper Cecil County, two years after the Maryland General Assembly passed legislation to reduce the soaring cost of medical malpractice insurance. “We’re still way down,â€? said Dr. Jose Ma, vice president of medical affairs at Union Hospital in Elkton. Doctors specializing in obstetrics, which typically includes […]

Doctors at your door
By Laura Ungar The Courier-Journal Wearing a red robe and sneakers, Charlina Shaddock sat back in her living room recliner as Dr. J. Michael Benfield checked her blood pressure and heart rate. She had just survived a bout with pneumonia that landed her in the hospital, then a nursing home. “I got to feeling […]

"Who Will Deliver Your Baby?"
How high medical liability insurance rates will affect the delivery of women’s By Dr. Ronald Uva Home As a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist I feel that I am uniquely qualified to write and speak on the subject concerning women’s healthcare as I have been delivering babies for more than 30 years (6,500-plus babies), have been born and […]

Indiana fares well in 'liability crisis' survey
PHYSICIAN WATCH The American Medical Association says Indiana is relatively doctor-friendly when it comes to state laws governing medical liability and malpractice suits. The AMA says the Hoosier state is among eight nationwide in “stable” condition in what it describes as the country’s “medical liability crisis.” It claims excessive malpractice awards are driving doctors out […]

Database To Detail Doctors' Records
By Susan Levine Washington Post Staff Writer D.C. patients will someday be able to go online to a city Web site and check their doctors’ credentials and experience and whether they have lost malpractice suits or been disciplined. Under legislation passed by the D.C. Council in its final session this year, District doctors, hospitals and […]
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