Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Pennsylvania Physicians Concerned About Renewal of Medical Malpractice Insurance Subsidy Program Physicians in Pennsylvania are concerned that the state’s Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error fund, which provides doctors with subsidies for malpractice insurance, could expire this year as lawmakers debate changes to the state’s health care system, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports. Gov. Ed Rendell (D) and state House Democrats have refused to renew […]

The expanding number of nonphysician clinicians

Doctors laud 5 years of malpractice relief
By Vic Kolenc EL PASO — Doctors here and across Texas said dollar limits on medical malpractice lawsuits put into state law five years ago have made a big difference in how they practice medicine. The reduced threat of frivolous malpractice lawsuits have made doctors more willing to accept high-risk patients, and have helped […]

Pre-med students choosing speicalties
By Kacie Safford Medical school graduates packing an average of $140,000 of debt may need more of an incentive to practice primary care than simply a passion to help mankind. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, just 2 percent of nearly 1,200 fourth-year students surveyed planned to work in primary-care internal […]

Turkish doctors reluctant on malpractice insurance

UAMS Mulls M.D. Residencies
By Ben Boulden Two Fort Smith hospitals could become homes to physician residency programs in the future if some financial and bureaucratic obstacles are cleared, Dr. Peter Kohler said Tuesday. Kohler, vice chancellor on the northwest Arkansas campus of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, spoke to and answered questions from the House […]

Texas Hospitals Reinvesting Savings from Medical Liability Reform AUSTIN, Sept. 10 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Five years after the implementation of sweeping medical liability reforms, Texas hospitals continue to experience major reductions in their liability costs and to reinvest their savings in programs that benefit patients and their communities. “Patients are the ultimate beneficiaries of the tort reform measures passed in 2003,” said Dan […]

Businesses can take heart that insurance premium increases will be less than in years past
by Ellen Jensen Area businesses are bracing for another increase in health insurance premiums as budget season approaches. The average increase will be in the neighborhood of 11 percent to 13 percent, according to several local insurance brokers. “When health care costs are increasing, insurance companies are always going to project conservatively when they […]

Study links primary care physician shortage with salary disparities Athens, Ga. – The nation’s shortage of primary care physicians has been linked to a host of poor health outcomes, and a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that salary disparities play a major role in the shortage. Dr. Mark Ebell, a professor and assistant to the provost […]
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