Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

MSSU exploring steps to create medical school
By Melissa Dunson

Doctors: Malpractice system hurts
By James T. Mulder Doctors are hoping to get Gov. David Paterson and state legislators to fix the state’s medical malpractice insurance system when they return to Albany Tuesday for a special session. Dr. Richard Waldman of Syracuse, who heads the New York State District of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said […]

Beware of doctor-owned hospital There’s been a lot of news recently about new health-care facilities in Northeast Ohio. But one trend is particularly disturbing and should be of concern to Summit County residents. That trend is physician investment and ownership in hospitals. Most recently, we have heard about a proposal to build a new, physician-owned for-profit hospital in […]

Physician, talk-show host, gardener — Susan Murrmann does it all
By Barbara Bradley Dr. Susan Murrmann has people here scratching their heads. She seems to be involved with everything from local movie promotion to Humane Society efforts to health charity work in addition to being one of the city’s best-known obstetricians and gynecologists, a frequent lecturer and a local ground-breaker in the field of […]

Your doctor's office soon may become your 'medical home' — for better, cheaper health care
by Pat Shellenbarger | The Grand Rapids Press GRAND RAPIDS — Dick Ziomkowski admits he wasn’t doing all that well controlling his diabetes after it was diagnosed a couple of years ago. He wasn’t monitoring his blood-sugar level the way he was supposed to, wasn’t following a proper diet and didn’t get the exercise […]

Illinois' med mal law on trial
By Terry Hillig A lawsuit testing the constitutionality of Illinois’ medical malpractice reforms is expected to come before the state’s Supreme Court this fall — and with it the very real possibility that the law will be nixed. State Sen. Bill Haine, D-Alton, was one of the leaders in a long bipartisan effort to […]

Tips for finding a good surgeon
By Dr. Terry Gueldner Question: My personal physician has recommended I see a surgeon because of recurring abdominal pain and possible gallbladder disease. How do I find a good surgeon? Answer: In either emergent or non-emergent situations, there are some aspects about finding quality physicians and surgeons that may prove helpful for you. Most […]

More doctor data on the Web
By Jay Greene In what appears to be a truce between doctors and health insurers nationally over the publishing of physician quality data on the Internet, a number of Southeast Michigan health insurers are expanding their efforts to inform members of higher-performing doctors within their provider networks. Each health insurer that operates in Southeast […]

State health care agency gets support for it to continue
By RICH PIETRAS Sometimes even experts in health care need a little help getting better. That was the theme behind the rescue effort at the Montgomery Township municipal building as a state House Insurance Committee heard testimony on the status of the Health Care Cost Containment Council. The council was scheduled to shut down on […]
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